Warmup for Sharknado????

Event Date

Sep 20, 2018

Dragon Slayer


9 Pax 


Warm up 


Run the back corner of the church

15 SSH

10 Windmills 

10 Toy Soldiers 




Pairing up with someone 


  1. Partner 1 lunges while Partner 2 runs around one section of parking lot. Once partner 2 catches up with Partner 1 both do 10 mericans then switch. Continue flipping back and forth including 10 mericans at each flip & switchbacking until reach one section of parking where KB's are waiting.                       When everyone finishes:

 20 squat hops turn

  20 Goblet squats with KB

20 squat to press


  1.   Partner 1 bear crawls while Partner 2 runs around one section of parking lot. Once partner 2 catches up with Partner 1 both do 10 mericans then switch. Continue flipping back and forth including 10 mericans at each flip & switchbacking until reach one section of parking where KB's are waiting.                                When everyone finishes:

 20 Carolina dry docks

  20 KB swings

20 skol claps


  1.   Partner 1 burpee squat hops while Partner 2 runs around one section of parking lot. Once partner 2 catches up with Partner 1 both do 10 mericans then switch. Continue flipping back and forth including 10 mericans at each flip & switchbacking until reach one section of parking where KB's are waiting.                                When everyone finishes:

 20 skull crushers 

  20 hand release mericans 

20 curls


  1. Partner 1 plank walks while Partner 2 runs around one section of parking lot. Once partner 2 catches up with Partner 1 both do 10 mericans then switch. Continue flipping back and forth including 10 mericans at each flip & switchbacking until reach one section of parking where KB's are waiting.                       When everyone finishes:

 20 WWII sit ups 

  20 Partner leg lifts 

  20 side bends with KB (10 each side)



20 squat hops

20 Goblet squats

20 shoulder press 

20 KB swings

20 carolina dry docks

20 skull crushers 

20 curls

20 side bends (10 each side with KB)

20 WWII sit ups

20 LBC


Recover recover


Great work by everyone this morning.  Caboose did his normal complaining at the beginning then decided this was a great warmup for tomorrow’s workout,Sharknado. 

Tuck picked a fun workout to return from working 12 straight days because of Flo (the hurricane). 

Thanks Gypsy for staying on me to Q.


