It is Wednesday, there is a track, FiA has already started, and it is now 0530:27 so let’s get going.
Warm up with a fellowship pace mile
Windmill x 10ic and Toy Soldier x 10ic
8 x 400 at tempo pace
Cool down with a fellowship 3/4 mile
That’s all. That’s a full workout at Luda.
- 10 steps into the warm up and the clear instructions were already up for debate. Is it 8 400’s with a recovery 400 in between? Nope, just enjoy a 30 second break. Walk if you need to keep moving.
- Safe travels to Gambini (beach) and Chilly Willy (grandfather-in-law funeral)
- So good to have Frogger and Gambini out today. Frogger hits the weights on Wednesday and Gambini takes a rest day (his only one so it is excused) so we don’t see them as much out at Luda. But they always make it better with their presence.
- AMPM stayed in beast mode the full time, doing extra recovery laps in between.
- Chilly Willy set the pace on the tempo and had us all setting some PR’s
- And YHC nearly got the COT routine correct. After 12 years I still can’t get those four steps right: count off, nameorama w/ fistbumps, announcements and prayer requests, pray it out.
- What I learned today: It may be hot and humid when we are out in the gloom this time of year. And it makes it tough. But you know what? We also get to see the sun rise. We get to start in the dark and end in the light. The first thing we are doing in the day is preparing ourselves to be better men for our families, friends, and communities. And to show us that we got this and He is with us, the Sky Q gives us an example of His power and enormity — that He is bigger than anything we face this day — and His grace — that He can restore and renew everything everyday.
- I feel like maybe Hogwarts Headmaster, Albous Dumbledore knew the importance of working out in the humid NC summer mornings as the night turned to day when he said: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”