“Was that a female officer we just did Monkey Humpers in front of?” 9 Year Anny for The Force

FNG1 = Pert Plus.  FNG2 = Liberache (sp?).  FNG3 = Officer Kim (something)

Mosey, Warm-o-Rama


Grab blocks


Chin-ups x 5 (pretty easy? Wait for it…)


Skull crushers x 100


Chin-ups x 5


Colt 45 (that’s 3 sets of curls x 15 IC)


Chin-ups x 5


Mosey down the lot for bench dips


Mosey to the corner


Partner up. Helping hand


Mosey to the top corner


Find your partner again. Helping Hand (again)


Chin-ups x 5


Close grip chest press


Chin-ups x 5


Lawn Mowers


Chin-ups x 5


Wide grip block press


Chin-ups x 5


Blocks up high while pax finish chin-ups. Line up, shoulder press while we return the blocks


Blocks up


Down to launch pad




Interruption!  Police car arrives, parks up top, Ponch requests permission for a fly-by.   So all pax circle the police car. Monkey Humpers x 10.  Sound of police loud speaker and…. “Oh, that’s a female’s voice!”

Back down to finish Mary/MWAR

9 Year's Worth of Moleskine:

All I can say is that F3 is a life-changer in so many ways.  I was in decent shape (I thought) 10 years ago.  But I went from being adamentely 0.0 to now training for my 4th Huntersville Half Marathon (3rd time running, once rucked).  My core is stronger as well, but more than anything I'm a part of the community, I have more friends than I could ever ask for, I can't go anywhere in Huntersville where I don't hear "Hey The Force!" and I can wear an F3 shirt just about anywhere in the country and have a brother stop me and ask where I'm from and what my nickname is.  I'm emotionally and spiritually healthier and believe my famil;y, friends, brothers and self are all better because of F3.

Aye.  *shocker*