Watch your potty mouth!!

YHC was asked to sub for 1/3 of the triumvirate that is the General MQs.  So I gladly stepped in for Deep Dish.  On the mend from his recent back surgery – Blackbeard called for a mall walking session at the G.  Our Baker’s dozen was split 7 to 6 in favor of bootcampers.  We gathered at Mary and CoT as one group.

Mall Walking Backblast – 6 PAX walked for about 40 minutes and then did Mary.  Feel free to add anything I may have missed.

Bootcamp backblast – Several times during the workout Soprano cursed at me.  I will wear those barbs as badges of honor – and feel I could stop the recap right here – but I’ll go on.


Several of your favorites to get us limber and in the mood.  The highlight was a SSH/Burpee set that went 1B/25SSH IC, 2B/20SSH IC, 3B/15SSH IC, 4B/10SSH IC, 5B/5SSH IC 

THE THANG – Eeyore got caught somewhere between the two groups – but then choose to identify as a Bootcamper.  With him in the fold – we moseyed to the bottom of the parking lot where I told the PAX about something I had seen on-line called the impossible mile.  It’s 4 laps on a track that included a lap of broad jump burpees, a lap of lunges, a lap of bear crawls and jogging the last lap.  I used this as a model.  I modified A LOT – and yet was still cursed.

Round 1: Broad jump burpee up the hill – joggy jog the rest of the lap and wait for the PAX.  Lunge walk up the hill – joggy jog the rest of the lap and wait for the PAX. Bear Crawl up the hill – joggy jog the rest of the lap and wait for the PAX.  Joggy jog a full lap.

Round 2:  Same as round 1 – but we went counter clockwise.  A totally different experience.

Round 3:  I feigned a Round 3 (never planned to do it).  There was gnashing of teeth and more cursing.  

Instead we took a left at the top of the hill and went to the rock pile near the maintenance building.  

Rock work included a few rounds of curls, overhead presses, skull crushers and bent over rows with variations.

Put your rocks back and mosey to the concession stand picnic tables.

Series of Alternating Step ups followed by Picnic Bench dips.  The pattern of reps was so advanced – no one could figure it out – including the Q.

Head towards the launch pad with a stop at the fence on the way.  At the fence we performed some slooooow, deeeeeeep, squats using the fence for just a touch of support.  

MARY – joining the Mallwalkers we did some core work and a Jazzy approved set of pigeons.  

$#&@!!!% MOLESKINE

  • Great crew out today
  • It had been a minute since I posted with Travolta – strong work as always.
  • Blackbeard continues his recovery and it was great to see him and his band of merry men.  
  • We offered up prayers for Greyhound’s Step Mother Gail and his father as she goes through some challenges.  
  • Always an honor and a privilege…..







