Water Bucket Circuit

Event Date

Jan 21, 2017


11 came out of the gloom to push physical limits, to encourage each other, to have a little fun, and to be inspired. 

Check, check, check, and check. Here's how it went down. 

Each person arrived to see a some buckets, Dumbbells, KBells, and some other stuff.  SchoolBus inspired me with his new Mustang KB workouts.  Sure, I like to run but maybe I need to work on these scrawny arms too.  Hope everyone got a good workout and had some fun too.

Warm Up:

  • 45x (in cadence) SSH in honor of us all surviving our election and inauguring our 45th President. 
  • Arm circles
  • 10x merkins
  • 10x imperial squat walkers
  • 10x mountain climbers
  • 10x windmills

Mosey to the back. 10 pull ups or as many as you can. Grab a block. Return to the AO. 

Partner up for some PLot fun:

  • 1's butt kickers, 2's curls, flip-flop
  • high knees, shoulder press, ff
  • high skip, skull crusher, ff
  • bear crawl/crawl bear, block merkins, ff
  • karaoke left, block walk overs, ff
  • karaoke right, curls, ff

Water Bucket Hill Fun:

  • Partner up. 2 take turns carrying two buckets (50# each or 23# each), one in each hand, up/down the short hill
  • others do gathering run on big hill
  • plank until everyone is together
  • teams all rotate through (1 bucket carry hill and 5 big hills for all)

Water and setup the circuit. Honestly wasn't expecting 11 so thanks for your patience and suggestions:

  • Timer = bucket carry back/forth across pkg lot
  • Tin soldier walk
  • Merkin with dumbbell rotate up
  • squats
  • merkin with dumbbell pull
  • alternating lunges
  • goblet squat to shoulder press
  • dumbbell raise side-to-sides
  • block jump overs
  • trifectas
  • LBC's

Another round except tin soldier walk is time and bucket carry replaced with shrugs

No time for Mary

Announcement:  SVU 4-year anniversary is Sat, 1/28.  Denver will likely converge to SVU.

Reflection:  1 Tim 2: 1-3

  • First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, (ESV)
  • God is in charge, no matter who the president is.
  • We should pray that our gov leaders have God's wisdom , regardless of whether we voted for those leaders or not.


  • Welcome to our crazy F3 crew to FNG Angus!  Raised and still living in Dallas, NC, we almost had an Electric Cowboy or Rhinestone Cowboy, but his career building electric motors and pulleys drove the discussion to Motorhead and AC/DC, and then finally Angus in homage to AC/DC's phenom guitarist.  Welcome aboard Bro – great to have another member of the Respect gang.  I can see where GoodWrench gets his personality and sense of humor. 
  • Tclaps to Frisbee and Stealth doing multiple bucket carry hills and for cranking through the circuit.
  • Tclaps to the gang that loaded Dandelion's truck with the weights and for pax that gave me a ride to/from Cabbellas (Dandelion and Closer).  I had a little car problem with a son working at 6am and April heading to Charlotte early in the morning.
  • Enjoyed the fun today guys.  I was hurting by the end.  Hope you were able to scale it and receive a little pain too.

Such an honor to lead

Have a great week and be awesome fellas
