Waters Rise Around Piazza San Marco at #Gladiator

Those that have traveled to Venice, Italy know that Venice is an island, surrounded by swampy lagoons.  "Piazza San Marco" (aka St. Mark's Square) is the main center point of the city – and periodically gets flooded during "Acqua Alta" (high water) periods, caused by a combination of astronomical tides, and strong south winds, leading to massive water inflows from the Venetian lagoons.  (Fact check if you don't believe me).

As such, it was appropriate that YHC's VQ at #Gladiator included a romp around the wet, messy St. Mark's Square, courtesy of the heavy rains over the past 24 hours. 

Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangeo, and Raphaello all fartsacked – however, 11 strong Ninja Warriors enjoyed the extra-sloppy gloom.  (note – PAX also included John Boy, who is not yet listed in the F3Isotope site)

Side note: we also played host to 2 large tour buses, packing up students from STM, bound for a field trip to our nation's capital.  Many of the kids, and parents dropping off the kids gave us odd looks.  What, you've never seen a bunch of dudes running around at 530am, doing strange things on wet pavement?


  • Lap Around St. Mark's Square
  • SSH x 25
  • Windmill x 25
  • IST x 25
  • Soy Bean Farmer x 25 (aka Cotton Picker, Carrot Puller, etc.)
  • 5 Burpees OYO

The Thang

Mosey to corner of St. Mark Square (large parking lot next to St. Mark's…it's technically a rectangle).

Run around the square, stopping at each corner to do the following exercises:

  • Corner 1 – Merkins x 25
  • Corner 2 – LBC's x 25 (fan favorite given the wet pavement)
  • Corner 3 – CDD x 25
  • Corner 4 – WW2 Sit-Ups (2nd fan favorite)
  • Repeato 4X

Mosey to Water Fountain. 

  • Dips x 25
  • Step-Ups x 25
  • Derkins x 25

Mosey to Pull-Up Bars. 10 Pull-Ups OYO.

Mosey back to Water Fountain.

  • Dips x 25
  • Step-Ups x 25
  • Derkins x 10 (YHC was whipped)

Mary Around the Fountain

  • Rosalita x 25
  • Freddy Mercury x 25
  • Crunchy Frog x 25
  • 10 Burpees OYO

Recover.  Recover. 

Wet Moleskin

Great work by the entire PAX this morning! Thanks for crawling out of bed to run around in the humid, wet, sloppy mess. 

As usual – Travolta, Soprano, The Geek, and Landline were killing it! Well done!

Lots of fun mumble chatter around 25 reps of each exercise, especially towards the end.  Travolta said something about cursing me, but then used better judgement given the AO.  Glad his Catholic guilt kept him honest. 

The Geek wondered if "Rosalita" brought back memories of trips to Italy.  You know what they say….what happens in Venice, stays in Venice. 

Frequent chatter from Soprano to YHC to get the Q-Speak right (…next exercise, starting position, in cadence, move!…)

We got a fly-by from Toxic and others (must have gotton lost), we asked them to join while we were in WW2 Sit-Ups.  Given the wet pavement….they kept on running. 

It was a lot of fun leading my VQ.  Many thanks to Travolta for allowing me to lead the fine men of #Gladiator.  He tried to hand over the master Q at the end, but he does too good of a job at this.  Plus he is younger and faster than me. 

Extra special thanks to Holiday and The Geek for EH-ing me almost 2 years ago.  F3 has had a great impact on my life in so many ways, and I'm thankful that you guys kept after me.  Guess I had no choice when Holiday said "I will be at your house tomorrow morning at 5:15.  Bring gloves and a towel."



Ninja Turtle