Way too humid for February Samson

* and 12 with Astro who isn't on the site yet.

The Q with an 0515 standard around the parking lot only to be reminded by DonHo the real standard starts at 0500 as he rolled in with (I think) Lego and Smokey.

An even 10 men showed, a higher number than the Q anticipated, but then Snake Eyes rolled in making it an odd 11 throwing the Q's plan for paired workouts out the window, when thankfully Rodeo rolled in at the last minute making it an even 12. Mosey to the back of the parking lot while trying to figure out extra workout stations.

Disclaimer was given orally and waivers were executed in writing.


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Long snappers x10 IC
  • IST x10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC
  • quick catcher's pose mobility moment


The men broke into 6 pairs and were introduced to the stations. The first station consisted of one partner pushing the sled while the other partner followed along side doing farmer carries while the other stations did AMRAP. Suggestions were solicited for the final station since the Q hadn't planned properly and DonHo quickly offered up burpees to the sound of many hurrahs from the men. 5 rounds commenced.

  • Station 1: sled push w/100lbs, partner farmer carries, rotate and return
  • Station 2: block curls
  • Station 3: jump ropes
  • Station 4: block shoulder presses
  • Station 5: skull crushers
  • Station 6: burpees
  • take a lap (4 laps total)


  • With just 1 minute left on the clock, there was just enough time to get in our 50 jacknife LBC's

Recover Recover


  • Great showing this morning, appreciate everyone coming out, first time working out with Lego and Smokey.
  • The sled was a hit and will be making more appearances in the future. DonHo felt the sled distance was initially too short and the men needed more of a challenge, more hurrahs from the men when the distance was increased.
  • F3 needs to greatly improve their jump roping skills
  • Good to meet Astro this morning, didn't catch where he just relocated from. He promptly broke a block in order to establish dominance amongst the group, but at least he didn't do it over his head during a skull crusher.
  • Rodeo was heard to invoke the Crocs burpee exemption at one point.
  • How is it this humid already in February?
  • Red October said a prayer for rain this morning, but the Q said the opposite prayer for no rain, Red October was sad to learn the Q may have greater standing with the heavens.
  • And as always, thanks to The Hoff for allowing me to lead this morning.