We all got stoned at Fission. You should have been there. . .

Event Date

Aug 10, 2023


Representing the regulars: Jersey Boy, Hollywood, and Bijoux.

Representing the irregulars: Tammy Faye, Trojan (not yet on the website), and Gatsby. 

While only one of the many people I tagged in the preblast (Hollywood) deigned to grace us with his presence this morning, it was awesome to see some new faces, including two I hadn’t met (Trojan and Gatsby). 

We tracked close to a couple of miles and 700 or so reps, so hard work was logged by all in attendance. There were no slackers. The 3-to-6 pound stones by the tracks provided resistance for a large number of higher-rep exercises that kept up our heartrate and our muscle tone. 

The notable thing about this group was the unanimous utilization of excellent form on all my crazy exercises. That’s nice work, boys! Thanks for attending! 

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