We all have choices to make…

Having to rush DR so don’t have time for a “real” BB, but 12 pax including YHC met, all lifted blocks and all got to choose between running laps and other exercises.  Seems as though based on individual circumstances all chose wisely.

Prayers for Ultraman and his family.  His mother passed away this morning shortly after we prayed for them in COT.

Prayers for the family and friends of the fallen police officers after the event in Charlotte yesterday, and for all the injured and those helping them.  Prayers for God’s guidance for us all and for our community as we find the right way to move forward.

Reminder that God is here for us.  All of us.  Always.  Lift your problems, worries, indecision and your praises up to Him.  Let Him carry your burdens.  My family looks back over Zare’s past 6-7 years of higher education decisions, challenges and victories and we realize God had a plan for Zare all along.  This weekend we will proudly attend his graduation at FSU (where his college ed began 6 years ago) where he will receive his Masters in Sports Psychology.  He will be working locally this Summer with a therapist as he works to bring on new clients around Sports Psychology and Performance Counseling.  He will do that this Summer before moving to Springfield, Mass to attend Springfield College to complete his PhD in Sports Psychology.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me (or Zare this Summer) if you’d like to learn more about his work (or know someone who does).

YHC’s heart is so heavy as I type this.  So appreciative of UM for allowing me to join him on his journey with his mother the past 1.5 years as many of you know I am on a journey with my mother as well.  Blessed to have UM to talk and text with about it all, and thankful to all our F3 brothers who are ALWAYS there with support. 
