We Are All Responsible

14 pax (including YHC) posted to #TheSword on MLK Day and took turns leading.

0515: Enron ran into the AO.  Strava suggests that he ran from his house, and then ran home afterwards.  We'll call it 1 for #TheStandard.

053012 pax gathered, we moseyed to the far end of the parking lot and circled up as 2 more cars (Qbert, Hoodie) rolled in to give us 14 total pax.  Disclaimer given.


  • Arm Circles Forward / Backward
  • Merican x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC


Grab blocks and return to parking lot.

Pull-up x 10 OYO.  Return to blocks and circle up.

YHC informed pax that we would be taking turns calling exercises, alternating between block exercises and core exercises – in cadence – until all pax have called and led an exercise.  See moleskin for details.

When finished, mosey to parking lot lane and form three lines.  (We actually ended up forming four lines.)

  • 50% run to other end of parking lot
  • 75% run back to original end of parking lot
  • 100% sprint to other end of parking lot
  • Combination run / side shuffle to original end of parking lot (poor instruction from YHC on this one – cobains)

Return to blocks.  Again take turns calling exercises, alternating between block exercises and core exercises.  Begin with core this time.

Replace blocks and mosey back to cars.  No time for Mary, although we've been hitting core throughout workout.

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to MQ Cherry Bomb for reaching out to YHC and asking for a Q, now that YHC has given up MQ at Arnie's Army and I have more flexibility on Mondays.  Figured it made sense for me to take the Q this morning while Cherry Bomb was away Q'ing at Arnie's.
  • It was great to have solid numbers out at #TheSword.  Thanks to the pax for humoring my plan to pass the responsibility around a bit this morning.  We had a good mix of veteran pax and newer pax, some of whom may not have had as much opportunity to lead yet, and hopefully appreciated the chance to get in some practice.  On that note, I am told Goodlife has a VQ coming up at Night Ranger, so keep an eye out for that preblast.
  • I didn't attempt to recall every exercise called by the pax, and am sure I would have forgotten a few had I tried, but pax did a solid job, and there were definitely some memorable ones, e.g., Frontier with the sloooooow box cutter, QBert with the oblique block raise (while singing "I'm a Little Teapot"), Cheddar with the feet-on-block decline diamond mericans, Toxic with the V-ups, Ultraman with the block press Freddy Mercurys, etc.  I don't think we repeated many exercises, so nice work by the pax in mixing it up.
  • Thanks again to the pax for humoring me as I read an excerpt from Dr. King's "Letter From Birmingham Jail" in COT.  I make a point to pull it out every year for at least a read or two on MLK Day, and it is always impactful.  Nearly sixty years after Dr. King wrote it, we are still divided in many ways.  Groups and people among us are marginalized.  I am grateful for the reminder that we have a shared responsibility to address inequality, to be men of character and men of action, to use the time we have and not be silent.
  • We continued to lift up TickTock and his family in prayer.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I'm forever grateful.
