We couldn’t break Freedom today

Event Date

Jan 30, 2021

Solo River Rat 10k at 0500.  It was cold.

Here is what happened after at Excelsior:

0602:  We waited for any late joiners, then departed.  Disclaimer given: "I am not a professional, today's workout will be easy ish".  Tantrum's response:  "We know, and that is appreciated".  Lol.

We jogged through Carrington Ridge, using some alley ways and non main roads to impress everyone with my navigational skills.  Stopped a few times for various exercises which I won't attempt to list because I probably couldn't remember them all.

Back at the AO, we did 2 laps around the track, and then plenty of stretching. 

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered about 2.5 miles.


  1. The evolution of sneakers goes something like:  Primary Running Shoes, Secondary Running Shoes, Primary Bootcamp shoes, Secondary Bootcamp shoes, yard work shoes.  We ended this workout early so some of us could change from their primary running shoes to their bootcamp shoes in time for The Estate.
  2. Freedom and Tantrum continued running after Excelsior, while Turncoat led a very tough Estate workout which Snake Eyes and YHC attended.
  3. Great 2nd F at NY Bagel after with everyone listed here + Good Life and Carpet Bagger.  Nice little Saturday!
  4. Thank you for the opportunity to lead Tantrum.  Tantrum missed a run on Tuesday, and YHC was sure to bust him about that.  Or something like that. 
  5. Snake Eyes, Tantrum, Turncoat, and YHC are all on the same Polar Bear team.  Tried as we might, we could not break Freedom to give us any insider information about the event.  We are looking forward to the Polar Bear next Saturday!

Aye gents, another great morning with F3.