We did a bus load today at Da Mighty Oak

Bandwagon was there too but has yet to put his name in to Pax listing.  

YHC pulled into the school parking lot today and noticed two coach buses were pulling in. For a brief moment I thought, "oh cool, we just shipped in 200 guys for a workout…"  Not so much, it was the 5th grade trip buses getting ready to load up for Charleston. BTW – if you haven't chapperoned a class trip like that, last year a few of us (Ultraman, TommyBoy) did and we had an absolute blast.  A great way to get Dad's involved with the kids and be the leaders we are supposed to be.

Great job by the Pax today. This one had the guys' heart rates up very early in the workout.


  • Lap around school to back lot
  • SSH X 25IC
  • Cotton Picker X 15IC

The Thang

  • Sprint from one end of lot to the other (the long way)
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint back
  • 8 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint
  • 6 Burpees
  • Sprint
  • 4 Burpees
  • Sprint
  • 2 Burpees
  • Sprint to cones in middle of lot
  • Airborne mindbender (with the huffing and puffing, a breather was in order) 
  • Mosey to rocks
  • Rocks against wall 
    • People's chair no rocks
    • Shoulder press X 15IC (thighs on fire)
    • Standing Curls X 20 IC (audibled the people's chair version)
    • Sprint to other side of lot
    • 3 burpees
    • Sprint back
    • Repeato Shoulder Press / Curls
    • Sprint again to cones this time
    • Freddie Mercuries X 25IC

    Bring rocks to grass area by the hill near parking lot ?and circle up (i don't recall exact order or counts of exercies here. I normally have all this planned out but the buses and cars in the parking lot killed my parking lot workout plan so i had to audible…but it was way more "fun":

    • Put rocks in circle and leave them for later
    • Crawl bear up grass hill
    • Bear crawl down back to rocks
    • Rock Swings X 20 OYO and maybe curls
    • Crawl bear up, bear crawl down
    • Louis Z's / F3 namorama (more on that below)
    • Crawl bear up hill
    • Air Squats X 30 IC
    • Bear crawl down
    • Low curls X 15IC, High curls X 10IC, Full Curls X 15 (almost a colt 45)
    • Rock Swings X 20 OYO
    • Take rocks back

    Mary – BamBam led some stuff that sucked while i grabbed my phone from the car. When i got back, i endured BamBam's suck-filled Mary and we ended with low flutters

    Recover Recover


    • That first sprint of the morning contained some of the more groaning that I have ever heard, including YHC, at F3.  After a brief warmup and then "sprinting" (i'd say most of us were not going all out that first sprint) it's tough on the muscles to get going that quickly  It was just the shock to the system i was looking for to get this workout started.
    • Overbudget, who is 48, runs like he's 28!  Amazing speed he picked up while serving in Nam 🙂  And inside joke…just ask him to show you the picture of him near the helicopter.
    • After 9 full parking lot length sprints the pax may have gotten tired, but everyone got faster.  I've mentioned before, Olive about made me puke during one of my first workouts at F3 last year and i told myself I would not do that to another fellow pax member. I hated sprints…so as a result, i learned to embrace the hate and learn to love them.  And now that's what i do.  They are a game changer in a workout. There's no way out of them and getting your heart rate up is key to a great workout.
    • And because some folks asked, yes, the suitcase speaker has officially died. RIP. A new one will be on order soon! Some tunes would have been good today.
    • Did the new F3 Nameorama Louis Z's today. While there are great stories behind many of the names, the best today was OnStar – he locked his keys in his car during his first F3 workout.  Second goes to Olaf cause his last name is Freeze, and third goes to Denim, cause his last name is Klein – as in Calvin Klein for you folks who don't know fashion.  I did this in Davidson for the first time this week.  The best there was "DMV" – because it took so long to name him during COT.
    • The crawl bears continue to suck, in a good way. Didn't get to my favorite – the picnic table press today (next time), I think even Bam Bam's dog Baxter was tired of the sprints today.

    As always, it was a pleasure Q'ing at my "hometown" today, and for all of you guys pushing YHC and everyone else today to do better. I appreciate everyone bearing with me during the COT prayer to really spend time focusing on the tragic events of yesterday in Brussels. I hope to God none of us ever have to deal with that first hand (911 was close enough and some of you were impacted "first hand"), but i would be naive to say "it can't happen to me…" We can't live in fear, and nor does God want us to, but rather pray very hard for those who continue to threaten us and conduct these horrific acts, that they see the light He wants all of us to follow.  And of course continue to pray for the victims and their families who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's ashame.

    Until next time – Ditka