We did Ramps – well actually, We did Ramp

Temps were barely above 20 – but at least there wasn't any wind.  9 PAX got after it this morning – and it went a little something like this…..

With everyone talking about the cold – I decided to take the long way to the typical launch point.  Not like – CRAZY – long way, just longer than usual.  We moseyed and turned left at Starbucks, went past Dick's and then circled up at the side of the theatre.


The usual suspects – SSH, IST, Windmill, THE Burpee, Toy Soliders, Mountain Climbers, assorted Downward Dog based stretching.


Mosey to the parking ramp.

Deep Dish had told me that the ramps were back in play.  While not being offically told we could use them again – it just seemed long enough since we were asked to stay off of the ramps.  This would be my first lead in a while utilizing the ramps – and there would be the need for an audible as I did (more on that below).

Partner Up for a modified DORA 1-2-3 [It was modified – becasue ratehr than alternating partners and counting reps to 100, 200 and 300 – we alternated partners and each did AMRAP while the other partner ran.  We did increasing sets 1-2-3]

First Exercise: Mericans – 1 set per partner

Second Exercise: Jump Squats – 2 sets per partner

Third Exercise: WW2 Sit-ups – 3 sets per partner

With Chinese New Year beginning next Tuesday – we went to the wall for Peoples' Chair and Air Presses.  

From here – my plan was to Mosey to the next ramp and do another set of DORA 1-2-3 with different exercises – but the ramp was close to a Birkdale security guard making his early morning rounds.  Per my earlier comments that we weren't officially cleared to use the ramps – I audibled and headed for the cinder blocks near Chipotle. 

Block exercises included – Curls to 7 IC (low, high, full), Overheaed Press, Sumo Squat and Bent Over Rows.  Somewhere in there we found some parking lot lines and did some bunny hopping a few times.

Put the blocks back.

Mosey a bit and find a spot on the curb.

Mericans on the curb alternating elevations – In cadence.  We started on the parking lot.  Performed a merican on the 1-2, then relocated to the curb on the 3-4.  Performed a merican on the 1-2, then went back to the parking lot on 3-4.  Set of 10.

20 Muhammad Ali's IC

Repeato Merican Movers

Repeato Muhammad Ali's

Line up for an indian run back to the fountain.


Dying Cockroach, Pretzel Crunch, Low Flutters, J-Lo's, THE Burpee

Recover, Recover


– For as much as we talked about the weather – it wasn't actually too brutal this morning.  Once we got moving it was all good.

– Final note on the ramps – although not proven for sure, one thing that may have led to the NO RAMP RULE, could have been Balckbeard throwing a medicine ball around the guards office (under one of the ramps).  Again, this is hearsay – but because Blackbeard was in our ranks this morning – I opted to avoid the second ramp.

– Real good group this morning.  Great chatter all workout.  4 grabbed Java post workout.  

– Bundle up during these cold mornings – and don't use the weather as an excuse to fartsack.  Some of the best workout memories come when conditions aren't ideal.  

– Always an honor and a pleasure!!!


