We did things with stones that no man should ever have to endure. . .

It was another great turnout for Fission—the backbone of F3Isotope—as 12 men put their lives in the hands of a veritable madman. With some new faces and some old stalwarts, the vibe was ripe for exploitation. So with a panoply of weird and invented-on-the-spot exercises in the Q’s pocket, we repaired to the parking lot of the improv theater, where the Q proceeded to improvise while the assembled masses modified. 

Some things we done:

  • Side Straddle Rocks (or Side Straddle Stones if you prefer)

  • Upright Row

  • Bear Squat

  • Moroccan Nightmare (nightclub with stones)

  • 8-Count Slerkins (Slow Merkins: 7-count down, 1 up)

  • Reverse Flies with Stones

  • Flex Curl with Stones

  • Tippy Bird with Stones

  • Lean In

  • Praying Mantis

  • People’s Chair with Various Stone Exercises

  • Iron Cross Squat with Stones

  • High Knees with Stones

  • IT Department (Superman with Stones in I and T movements: ill advised)

  • Triceps Kickback

  • Side Plank Twist

  • I in the Sky with Stones

  • Prone Overhead Stone Raises

  • WWII with Stones

  • Crunchy Frogs

  • W’s

  • Runnin’ Round the Lot

Bijoux knocked the COT out of the park. Coffeeteria was, as usual, the best in Isotope. Callahan promised to Q in a couple of weeks, so let’s show him some love when that happens.