We Didn’t Go Far, But We Did Go Heavy

Event Date

Apr 05, 2016

** MoonPie was also in attendance, and has quickly become a Thunderdome regular **

Rucks On!

25 SSHs

20 Merkins

15 Cotton Pickers

The Thang

We just happened to have a giant pile of sand bags and kettle bells, almost enough for everyone to have 3. This smorgasbord of weight ranged anywhere from 40 to 80 lbs. All exercises except Merkins were done with these weights.

20 Curls, 20 Skull Crushers, 20 Thrusters, 20 Hand Release Merkins

19 Curls, 19 Skull Crushers, 19 Thrusters, 19 Hand Release Merkins

18 Curls, 18 Skull Crushers, 18 Thrusters, 18 Hand Release Merkins

17 Dead Lifts, 17 Bag Shoulder Swaps, 17 Squats, 17 Hand Release Merkins

16 Dead Lifts, 16 Bag Shoulder Swaps, 16 Squats, 16 Hand Release Merkins

50 1/4 Turn Jump Squats

14 Dead Lifts, 14 Bag Shoulder Swaps, 14 Squats, 14 Hand Release Merkins

30 1/4 Turn Jump Squats

12 Dead Lifts, 12 Bag Shoulder Swaps, 12 Squats, 12 Hand Release Merkins

Recover, Recover!!!


Great to have FNG-Steve out for this smoker.  EH season is fully upon us, so continue to bring out new guys and show them the way.  We were all an FNG at one point, some of us knew we needed it, some of us had no idea, but we are all better for it.  Keep giving it away.

Great job TBC, MoonPie, and Capone, you guys crushed it out there, especially when Capone got mouthy with the Q, and was assinged a special set of Overhead Sandbag Hold Squats.

Not sure how the other participants felt, but for me, this workout really burned up all the major muscle groups: upper arms, middle arms, upper-middle arms, upper-upper arms.

Thunderdome is becoming a quite an event.  If you haven’t been out recently, or haven't been out at all, I'd highly suggest you put it on your calendar now.  

Thanks TBC for the opportunity and already looking forward to what next week has in store.