We didn’t stop moving!







The Thang:  Well I planned on the below and probably didn't do exactly like this, but pretty close!


We already grabbed our bells and lined up near the bball field

Warm up sprint Ponies

5 Tater Swings

Merkin clock of pain with hoppers (knees to chest) – 2 full circles

Run to first island

Broad jump burpee to next island

run to next island

Rocky balboas with some burpees

Run back


10 Tater swings

30 curls

30 shoulder press

Merkin Clock of pain with hoppers – 2 circles

Run to second island

Broad jump burpee to third island

20 ¼ turn jump squats

Rocky Balboa with burpees

Run back


15 Tater Swings

40 curls

40 shoulder press

Merkin Clock of pain with hoppers – 2 circles

Run to third island

Broad jump burpee to 4th island

25 Quarter Turn jump squats

run to next island

Rocky balboa with burpees

Run back


20 Tater Swings

40 curls

40 Low flutter with press


Run to pull up bars – split up if have the numbers.  Half run around the ball field on the pavement and half do below until they get back.  Flap jack

5 pull ups

10 merkins

15 squats

got about 3-4 rounds in


  • so great to workout in t-shirt and shorts in FEB!  I didn't even wear a hat
  • Thoughts and Prayers for Schneider and his family.  Men don't always talk for fear of showing weakness.  My wife shared with me something that said maybe we don't need to Man Up, we need to Man Down as in get on our knees, pray and be ok to talk about it.  I'm not real deep, but thought that was fitting

Enjoyed the Q, thanks for