Pretty sure I missed a PAX or 2 so if I forgot you let me know so I can get you listed!


We ran a familiar route, only backwards this time. We concluded it is slightly hillier going our way today.

About a mile in we were all still together and realized when Sac isn’t there to pace bully we stayed together…. That was until 9 Lives, Stray, and Dingo took an early left turn and Omar led the charge up the hill towards crocs house with Popcorn and Swiftie not far behind.

Popcorn watched a documentary about vegetables and how it can help you with the more intimate parts of your life? We didn’t ask for details

Ichabod is a full fledged runner now with calves that not even the Gods of Olympus can compete with. He grinds down vegetables and rubs them on his calves for lubrication. He also committed to switching from the Half to Full Marathon at Myrtle.

Stray paid for coffee with a crisp $20 bill. Got about 14 coffees and a couple iced coffees for the crew and the cauldron guys. What a kind gesture if you ask anyone except for Enron who berated him about buying iced coffee instead of cold brew. I thank you Stray!

Conversation about the calories in cold brew and pouring alcohol in where the sun don’t shine was my limit before I had to head off to get ready for work.

Until next time……. Mr. H