Additional Pax in attendance not listed above:

  • Dunder
  • Flying Pig

Six men, some sporting headlights and others ran circles around Race City for #TheStandard.  Then, a total of eighteen rolled into the gloom with metal objects in tow.   With two FNGs in the crowd and a couple others making a reappearance, a disclaimer was provided.  Some in the crowd were nervous there woudln't be enough kettlebells, with a couple of FNGs and some who haven't made the investment yet.  We did have a a couple of shakeweights and at least one 1990s era laptop that could be used, but alas, YHC had a plan in mind to ensure all had equal time on the balls of iron.

COP  (all in cadence unless otherwise noted)

  • SSH X30
  • MC X15
  • Merkin X10
  • KB Swing – 30 Single Count OYO
  • Curls X10
  • Mosey around fountain and into grassy field

Select a partner irrespective of size.  One partner planks, other partner bunny hops over and army crawls under his partner six times.  Switch and repeat.  Mosey back to circle.

The Thang

Keep same partner.  Partner one performs one Body Blaster while partner two performs one burpee.  Ten repetitions.  Switch exercises to something else involving lifting heavy objects, and performing LBCs.   My memory is failing.

Split the PAX into three equal groups.  Station 1 is 10 merkins.  Station 2 is 30 KB Swings.  Station 3 is Dips.  Rotate from station to station with your team until you've done five revolutions around the awning/fountain/dump maze.   Plank when done.


  • Low Flutter
  • WWII with Bell
  • Mason Twist
  • Knee to Elbow (10 each side)
  • Plankorama


  • Welcome to our FNGs Rich and Javin!   Thanks also to Pierogi for earning his referral patch and a $5 bonus for dragging 4 FNGs along in 30 days.  (because I'm late in posting this backblast, I have the luxury of being able to report that Rich was later named "Spinner," and Javin is now "Ghostwipe."  Two of my favorite names now.  Aye!
  • Welcome Freepass to the North of the North Country.  Happy you could join and lock shields with #truckcity
  • With the school year almost over, we're excited to start seeing more of Plinko and Dunder.   Kotters!
  • Manhands runs fast, even though he hates running.  He also has a very regular digestive system. 
  • 18 is the largest crowd I've seen in a while for The Rock.   Keep up the good work, gentlemen!
  • Thanks Motorboat for the great takeout.  I appreciate every single one of these men for being there and pushing each other every day.