We Don’t Need Running just Swing the Bells !

Add WB – Starbuck (E.T.'s 2.0) to total pax of 12.

12 Disciples of F3 took the Gloom Stage at GCC for some methodical movements with KBs and other cool stuff !  Summer in NC – yup right, 72 temp with 99% humidity.  Moisture Madness !  Here you go.

Mosey to KB shed to load up our individual arsenals with KBs of our choice ! Choose them, then move them !


SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 15 IC

Merican x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

Mosey with KB to back lot.  All exercises with KBs & in cadence unless noted.

Corner #1:

Curls x 15, Goblet Squat x 15, LBCs x 15 – Repeato Bandito for 2 sets each.  Mosey Zamporini style to corner #2

Corner #2:

Skull Crusher x 15, Alt Lunge x 10, Reach & Catch x 15 – Repeato Bandito for 2 sets each.  Mosey to next corner #3 using combo of Zamporini & Shoulder Presses to pass the time as needed.

Corner #3:

Lawm Mower Pulls x 10 each arm, Squat Press x 10, Freddy Mercury x 10 – Repeato Bandito for 2 sets each, then Mosey as you want carry the KB.

Corner #4:

KB Swings x 15 OYO, Mason Twist x 15 – Repeato Bandito, then Mosey to front of church to leave the KBs.  Sidebar – missed the KB Al Gore from Weinke.  Save that one for later date !

Front Courtyard:

Grab spot on short wall.

Incline Mericans x 20, Slow Methodical Dips x 10, Step Ups each leg x 15 OYO – Repeato Bandito for 2 sets each.

Mosey to main entrance under the carport area.


Rosalita x 20 IC

Bunyan – 15 Burpees OYO

Denim – 1.5 min Plank

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to Bam Bam for allowing me to Q at Dragon Slayer at GCC !  Great AO used for much pain distribution !

(2) Humidity is absolutely brutal this past month !  Don't remember breathing so hard as this summer.  Ready for Fall anytime now.

(3) Once Bunyan called 15 Burpees OYO as part of MARY, you could have stuck a fork in me, cause I was done.

(4) Ty Webb always near the front with today as no exception.  If you want to see crazy workout speed and how to efficiently transition from one exercise to the next…..look no further !

(5) Really wanted to create a power beatdown, with minimal running, but ended up with no running.  Felt good !  I knew I would get my fill of running for 7 miler on Fri & rest of BRR training coming.

(6) Thanks to F3 for accepting its Members as you are !  Very impressive group.  Looking forward to the 5 year Isotope Anniversary on Sat, 8/27 Convergence at NM Park.

(7) Many Thanks to my original EHer and buddy, DriveThru !  Get better soon.  Hope Big Mean knows what he is doing – ha !  You are progressing well.  At least you can drive the BRR van and still smell the amazing smells of BRR !

Mayhem (in the AM)