We earned our Nitro Coffee!

Event Date

May 25, 2018

Pop Tart joined YHC for an easy standard.  Nice work after the Heavy.  I wouldn't be moving yet.

Nice to see the Odyssey guys in the AO.  Burner and Hall Monitor did do a SINGLE SSH with us, they said that makes it a double post, your call…

I wanted to honor all of the men and women and do some exercises from the PFT, but also knowing the Murph is coming up, we did just enough pull ups, crunches and running to pay homage.  We also did a lot of other fun stuff!

Warm Up

  • SSH 25 IC
  • CP 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC
  • Lunge stretch (they loved this one)
  • Slow Merkins (2) with Cobra and Downward Dog (Yeah, I did it)

The Thang

First Set (Staying together)

  • Pull Ups 5 OYO
  • Run a Lap (2 islands)
  • LBC 10 IC
  • Repeato 4 times

Second Set (Blocks)

  • Bears & Blocks (Bear Crawl and pull block from between legs to in front of head) from one side of parking lot to the other (about 100 ft)
  • Blocktanamo (hold block out in the air away from body, first pax drops block and runs inside circle and pushes down on others blocks, next pax starts right after previous) about 4 times around
  • Curles 20 IC
  • Skull Crusher 15 IC
  • Squat to Press 15 IC
  • Bent Over Row 15 IC
  • Upright Row 10 IC
  • Lawn Mower 10 R/L arm

Third Set

  • Peoples Chair w/ Air Press
  • Dips (Benches) 15 IC
  • Step Ups (Benches) 15 R/L legs

Fourth Set

  • Block/Burpee Suicides 
    • Move block to next parking space line, run back and do 1 Burpee, move block to next space , etc. (about 15 spaces)

Fifth Set

  • Burpees 10 OYO
  • Run a Lap (2 islands)


  • WWII Situps 15 IC
  • Low Flutter 20 IC
  • Mason Twist 15 IC
  • 5 Burpees



  • Nice work by all!
  • Thanks for the sacrifice on the hazard Banana Peel, impressive reflexes!
  • Thanks for the push on the Suicides Bunyon
  • Sign up for a Q at The Sword – Great AO and MQ
  • Thanks for sharing a cup of Joe, Bam Bam and Fescue.  Nitro Coffee is awesome!
