YHC and Mr. Holland ran The Standard. We were joined by 7 more men and a pup. Q failed to look at his watch and we didn't launch until nearly 5:32! Quick mosey up the sidewalks to the blocks. Oh lookie here, someone pulled them out already! We circled up and a disclaimer was given.
- SSH x 14 IC
- TS X 14 IC
- Carrot Puller x 14 IC
- Good mornings x 14 IC
The Valentine's Day Thang
YHC worked up the courage to give the pax his HEART. But being cautious, did it a little bit at a time.
- Hand release merkins x 14 OYO
Run a lap around short island
- Hand release merkin x 14 OYO
- Eight count burner x 14 IC
Run a lap
- HR merkin x 14 OYO
- Eight-count Burner x 14 IC
- American Hammer x 14 IC
Run a lap
- HR merkin x 14 OYO
- Eight-count Burner x 14 IC
- American Hammer x 14 IC
- Row x 14 IC
Run a lap
- HR merkin x 14 OYO
- Eight-count Burner x 14 IC
- American Hammer x 14 IC
- Row x 14 IC
- Tricep extension x 14 IC
Run a lap
YHC couldn't believe it! The pax didn't want his HEART so they went and broke it. Now we had to pick up the pieces.
- Eight-count Burner x 14 IC
- American Hammer x 14 IC
- Row x 14 IC
- Tricep extension x 14 IC
Run a lap
- American Hammer x 14 IC
- Row x 14 IC
- Tricep extension x 14 IC
Run a lap
- Row x 14 IC
- Tricep extension x 14 IC
Run a lap
- Tricep extension x 14 IC
Run a lap
Didn't happen
- Much grumbling occurred during the beatdown. Bunyan noted that we do not *expletive* around at The Foundry. YHC informed the pax if they wanted to take long rests, they should go to that other Friday workout.
*shrug* *mic-drop*
- Strong work by all today. Buckeye quickly picked up the pattern and put his head down and went to work. Good stuff!
- The pax agreed that their triceps will be looking very good for Valentine's Day. Why get your M flowers and chocolate when you can show off the guns!
- Post-workout, YHC, Buckeye, and Camelback ran into each other at Harris Teeter doing last minute V-day shopping. Great minds think alike!
Thanks to Bunyan for the opportunity to lead (even though he thought he was leading today). Until next time – CB