We got lost in the wilderness and just kept going in circles

Event Date

Mar 06, 2025

5 Pax got it done today at Wilderness. Here’s what went down:


Warmarama (IC)

-Slow Windmill x10

-Long Snapper/Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Carrot Pullers/Lil’ Professor x10

-SSH x25 (50)

-IST x 15 (30)

-Toy Soldier x10 (20)


Mosey from basecamp to the Traffic Circle

Grab a rock that speaks to your soul on the way (Amen really took his imprinting seriously)

-Curls x20 (40)

-Bent-over Rows x20 (40)

Run a lap around the traffic circle

-Overhead press x20 (40)

-Squat x20 (40)

Run a lap

-Skull crusher x20 (40)

-Merkins x20 (20)

Run a lap

-Dot the i reverse LBC x20 (20)

-Chest press x20 (40)

Run a lap

-LBC x20 (40)

-Low flutter x20 (40)

Run a lap

-American hammer x10 (20)

Run a lap

-Suzanne Somers x20 each side (80)

-Glute bridge with rocks x3 holds x15 thrusters (33)

-8 count Burners x20

Run a lap


Rocks up and mosey back towards base camp. Stop at Queen’s Corner:

-On your 6 for Freddy Mercury x20 (40)

Recover and Mosey back to basecamp

Recover, Recover



-Prayers for Bob Ross’s mom who is having extensive surgery today.

-Amen will be traveling with the family-pray for safety.



Fuse, Out Cold, Amen, and Jorel all worked hard in the gloom of Thursday morning. Fuse is already a seasoned pro on his 3rd post. Out Cold is back at it and motivated. Amen pushed hard today (literally and figuratively). Jorel is like Bear Grylls and is always at home at the Wilderness. Way to get it done gents.



March 8-Polar Bear this Saturday @Robbins Park @6:30-9am: https://f3isotope.com/polar-bear-2025/ . Carpooling with your buddies is encouraged. Parking in the street near the pavilion or the lot near tennis courts.

-March 22-Register The Operation Sweet Tooth 6th Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K and 2 Mile Walk.

-March 29th 8-noon (7am workout)-Possum is seeking volunteers for the Annual Smithville Community Garden/Park Refresh (spreading mulch and other manual labor typically on a Saturday morning). A shovel and strong back is all that’s needed.

-April 5-6- Charlotte Spartan: https://race.spartan.com/en/races/charlotte-north-carolina

-Drebin is rescheduling the F3 western NC volunteer trip due to the weather that hit this past weekend. A later date will be scheduled in early March. Please DM Drebin if you are interested. And he will add you to the communication thread.

-Possum is forming a 2025 Hope House Team to help with an annual fundraising event and many other service projects. Details coming soon.

-May 23-Dragonboat Ramsey Creek Race.



Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)
