We had a Brick-Blast in The Wilderness

The Wilderness was under construction this morning, as 11 men performed a little brick work.  Here is their story…



  • We did stuff with bricks to warm up.


The Thang:

  • We did stuff with bricks to hurt ourselves, including:
    • Walk Crabs uphill
    • Bear Crawls
    • Ape Walks
    • Bunny Hops
    • and of course, Dragon Crawls
  • Mosey and curls
  • Quadraphilia
  • Mericans
  • Quadraphilia uphill and 5 Brickees (x4 because Blackbeard said it had never been done!)
  • Arm Raises
  • Bricky Balboas
  • Brickcycles



  • Brick the "i"
  • Shoulder Brick Mericans, care of Snake Eyes



  • It all started with The Force and Blackbeard nagging me about the Preblast.  Blackbeard wanted to renege on my Q rights if i did not post a PB by sundown.  I'm pretty sure i submitted it on time, but i shut the door on any mutinies from the pirate contingent!
  • Topgun did not hesitate when i offered him free candy if he climbed in the Jeep as he was walking to the AO.  He was quick to deduce that it wasn't candy i had in the back!!!
  • Amen on the other hand…as we were all huddled RIGHT NEXT TO MY JEEP, asked if i had walked up, and said he was expecting bricks today.  Of course i said that i had walked, and at 5:10 i turned around and opened the back of the Jeep to reveal the bricks!  I'll cut him some slack since it was 5:10 in the morning.  Thanks for the laugh…it would be one of few this morning!
  • It's always good to see Burner in The Wilderness.  He was very proud of his role playing workout last week, that is a take-off of a low budget Hollywood movie, and called out YHC who did not attend because i had a prior commitment to Q The Cauldron. Next time brother!  Just don't wait 6 months to host the next one.
  • Welcome back Sweet C!  I hope this was a nice, easy re-entry into F3 for you!!  We do this every Thursday at the same time and place, as well as every other day of the week.
  • Thank you Snake Eyes for taking us out with some Shoulder Brick Mericans!  It's always so melodic when done with bricks, and the Pax appreciated it when you sailed passed 10!!!
  • Kumquat came out to work on his runner's arms a little, and i did everything i could to accomodate.  I heard him grumbling a few times, but think he knew better than to object too loudly.
  • Blackbeard, on the other hand, thought it was a good idea to tell YHC that he was pretty sure that 4-peato had never been called before, while we were doing Quadraphilia with Brickees.  Well, that sounded like a challenge, so you can guess what we did!!!
  • Travolta was just out there toying with the rest of us!  He kept pushing YHC to keep up with him, which of course i could not do!  I must find his weakness!!!
  • I'm convinced that Tagless is a cyborg.  He ran at least a mile to the AO, and i'm faily certain completed the beatdown without breaking a sweat, and then ran at least a mile back.  I'm bring larger bricks for you next time!!
  • Mucho thanks to The Force, and the Pax for following my lead this morning…especially when you knew what was coming!
  • Conspicuously absent today were:  IKEA, Die Hard, Ruffles, Black Bart, Ultraman, Chestnut, and Rocket!???