We have Blocks again at Mad Scientist

FNG-1 = Ducky, not found on the website set.  Update:  Added Ducky LONG after the backblast was originally written.

It was a warm day at Mad Scientist and 10 PAX joined YHC for some hard work.  We may have been outnumbered by Camp Gladiator today, but not outworked!  Here's roughly what went down:

0500:  Solo slow #runstandard for YHC.

0530:  Mosey to the top of the deck with high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Circle up and disclaimer given.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep squats x 15 IC
  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down
  • Sideways plank walk down one level to warm up our core

The Block Thing:

Banana Peel had informed us earlier this week that he would bring some cinder blocks for the AO.  Of course we would use them!

  • Mosey to Banana Peel's truck.
  • Partner up (there was 1 team of 3), size does not matter.  Each team had 1 block, and was asked to NOT put it down unless told.
  • Partner 1:  Bear crawl up one level
  • Partner 2:  Walk next to partner with block, curls AMRAP
  • Flip flop up next level.
  • Partner 1:  Crab walk up one level
  • Partner 2:  Walk next to partner with block, skull crushers AMRAP
  • Flip flop up next level.
  • Partner 1:  Front block press x 15 IC
  • Partner 2:  Balls to the wall
  • Flip flop.
  • Partner 1:  Zamporini carry block down a level
  • Partner 2:  Slow lunge walk
  • Flip flop down next level.  Put your block down…
  • …Partner 1:  Block push up a level (Meh, not really ideal on the rough Discovery Place parking lot)
  • Partner 2:  Runs up 2 levels and back down 1
  • Flip flop to the next level up.
  • Partner 1:  Slow deep block squats x 10 IC
  • Partner 2:  Jump squats x 15 OYO
  • Flip flop.
  • Walk with blocks down the steps, to Banana Peel's car.  Grab the rest of the blocks (there are 15 in total!)
  • Carry them across street to new secret hideout.  Labon to inform future PAX where these are as needed!

Sans blocks, we moseyed back to the deck for:

  • Run up the deck…backwards.  At the top we did:
  • Slow deep lunge walk down one level.
  • Crab walk down another level.
  • Mosey to the cars for Mary.


  • 30 second elbow plank as we gathered
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • 1 minute elbow plank accompanied by everyone stating their F3 name and how long they've been in F3.

Recover, recover.  My watch kept stopping and starting on the crab walks, cobains, but we covered at least 1.4 miles according to Strava.


  1. Prayers up for Stapler's mom, for improved health.
  2. Tclaps to Banana Peel once again, for the cinder blocks.  Very generous Sir!  This great AO did have them, but according to Labon they have simply vanished.
  3. My partners today were Vandelay and Late Night, both relatively new to F3.  Enjoyed the push and enthusiasm guys, you put in a strong effort.  Our block defintely did not touch the ground prematurely!
  4. Speaking of Late Night, first time I met him was at Isotope a couple of Saturdays ago.  Seeing him crush the cinder blocks today makes sense now when I think about his cannon arm for dodgeball.
  5. And speaking of Vandelay, check him out at The Sword for his VQ coming up on August 28.  This dude is fit and only 33, so you know it's going to hurt!
  6. Master Po's baby boy is 4 months old already!  YHC said "has it really been that long since we chatted?"  Master Po said "I've been here".  Indeed!  Just checked…yikes…YHC's last appearance at Mad Scientist was March 29, right before his baby was due.  Need to get back here more often.  Glad to hear all is going well bud.
  7. Believe there was a clown car at the AO.  Was that Ducky, Peg Leg, and Jukebox?  Apologies if I've gotten that confused.  You guys all put in hard work today, appreciate it.
  8. What can you say about Scrappy?  Dude hurt his ankle playing soccer but still guts it out.  Apologies, 1.4 miles was more than YHC had intended to cover knowing your ankle was not 100%, but you refused to stop regardless.
  9. Thank you LaBon for the opportunity to lead.  Love this AO, need to get here more often.
