Warm O'Rama
- SSH X20 IC (Because everyone thought that I would stop at 12 for Brady)
- Mericans X12 IC (Brady)
- IST X12 IC (Brady)
- Hip Step Outs X11 IC (Julian Edelman)
Partner Up for an extended warm up
- Pass the slam ball assigned to you X5 OYO to the left and X5 OYO to the right
- WW2 sit ups and pass the slam ball until the Q calls it
- Do slam balls while your partner does burpess X10 OYO
Circle up for a Weighted Time Bomb Merican – do two pushups on a 25 lbs weight – one Merican on each arm and pass it to your neighbor – one circle to the left and then one to the right – everyone else holds plank
The Main Thang?
- 4 rounds of Tabata sets of 40 seconds work/20 seconds rest- no Swanson or Hippie at this point so 7 exercises total – all exercises were done to the sweet sounds of Sirius XM Classic Vinyl
- Jump Rope
- 25 lbs Alternating Curls
- 50 lbs or audible to 40 lbs slam balls when form breaks down
- 30 lbs tricep kick back
- 20 lbs core ball Russian Twist
- 50 ft battle ropes single handed
- LBCs with the 35 lbs KB
- Bring the toys to the car
- Circle up for Mary:
- 10 count of hip and glute bridge
- 10 count of single right leg up hip bridge
- 10 count of single left leg up hip bridge
- Flapjack
- 30 seconds of high plank
- 15 seconds of right arm up
- 15 seconds of left arm up
- 30 seconds of low plank
Recover, recover
The Nekked Man Moleskin
- Dallas claims he took a month off but started and finished strong after doing a 7:42 mile on a solo standard
- Jaws continues to improve his jump roping skills and his mumble chatter
- Wolfgang has to pack to go to London and Brussels – safe travels my friend
- Burning Bush was so happy to not run that he was playing cheerleader between exercises
- There was a lot of debate around whether 1 minute on with 30 seconds rest was easier or harder than the 40/20s
- Fiddler just crushes these workouts. Lets hope that his recent turn to 21 lets him hang for HDHH soon
- Freedom is looking great. He brings the energy to these workouts as if he hasn't been the master Q since the beginning of time
- Hippie and Swanson joined us for planks. Its weird to me that Swanson had the T-shirt and sandals on while Hippie was dressed all business.
- Mumble chatter came and went. Its hard to have consistent mumble chatter when your muscles are this confused and you have 20 seconds to recover between sets.
- The music was ok.
- The tacos were better.
- We laughed, we cried, we kissed 20 bucks goodbye.
- Great conversations abounded with good tacos.