We Made it to Second Base

Event Date

Aug 03, 2022

At 0520, YHC receives a text from Mater stating that he will be a little late, so I pull out my phone and see that my evening "preblast" was the butt of a joke.  Read to know.  I jump on the Fox News to check out the latest.  I read an article about Pilot fatigue.  At 0528, Mater arrives, later than usual.  We beginag 0530



Right over Left

Left over Right

Down the middle

Windmills 10 IC

"Flo Jo, wait, not that is Shirley" pulls in

Cottom pickers 10 IC


1.5 laps around parking lot to block pile



Grab a block and head to ball field

Bear Block Crawl to 1st – 10 Block merkins

Bear Block Crawl to 2nd – 20 Block Squats

Bear Block Crawl to 3rd – 30 block merkins

Bear Block Crawl to home – 40 Block Squats


Head to center of parking lot

PAX instructed to head to corner light post and do exercise returning to center before heading to corner light post to do exercise.  Repeat for 4 corner lightposts

Round 1 – 20 of each – lightpost 1 – curls; lightpost 2 – skull crushers; lightpost 3 – chest press; light post 4 – bent over rows

Round 2- 30 of each


Head to hill by grave yard and do 11's – start with 1 overhead press at bottom and 10 merkins at top repeat until 10 overhead press and 1 merkin,

Blocks up


20 LBCs IC

20 Pretzel Crunches IC each leg

20 Low Flutters IC


And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's Love. Neither death nor life, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. Romans 8:38-39



The title of this BB was in response to the MC that followed my "Preblast" last evening.

This workout was a tour of the AO designed for Dirt, but he didn't show, missed you pal

When a van pulled up during warmups, we thought is was Flo Jo but it turned out to be SHirley.  Great to have you Shirley and we miss you Flo Jo! 

Shirley didn't seem to have Pilot fatigue as he conquered this beatdown

Mater asked why we need gloves during our warmup lap as we passed the block pile.

The Block Bear Crawl around the bases were a hit

So was the zamporini carry of the blocks during the 4 lightpost workout

Mater and Shirley talked racing and electronics while I listened


Thanks to Shirley and Mater for showing  to support me.  It was an honor to lead you men.

God Bless
