We Miss 9Lives, Meow!

10 PAX ventured into the #FelineFreeZone at the Estate for a Scraptitious, delicious, and pernicious beatdown.  Yes, no cats or felines present as we are missing are furry, friendly 9Lives to the jealous mistress (aka The BRR).  It only took 6 years, but yes, 9Lives is a runner.  #SlimCat 

The Thang: 

Playground Pain Partners 

—— PAIN——-

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From the start, run the opposite sidelines of your partner.  At the PAIN mark, do the following: 

(1) Partner derkins x 10 

Back to Start 

Back to Pain 

(2) Partner burpee jump overs x 10 

Back to Start

Back to Pain 

(3) Partner pull-ups 5 x each arm 

Back to Start 

Portico Pain Station 

Calf Raises x 10 

Partner Up

Partner A – 50 squats

Partner B – Run to the gate and back 

Partner A – 40 merkins 

Partner B – Run to the gate and back 

Partner A – 20 burpees 

Partner B – Run to the gate and back 


PAX CHOICE around the Circle of Pain 

10 x of your own exercise 

Show to Know, or YHC can't remember 

Curls, Slow curls, mason twist…..the usual 



1.  Nice to meet Help Desk.  Great name! 

2.  Thanks LawnDart for the opportunity to Q.  

3.  9 Lives, come back. 

Until next time, 
