It had been too long (WAY too long) since a Sharknado sighting.  Middle Earth had been quiet with nothing but the sounds of sad clown runners and buses picking kids up for school.  Well nothing prepared the streets of Middle Earth for what was about to happen…  The ground started rumbling with the sounds of cars and runners converging on the clubhouse to take on The Sharknado!  Some were seasoned veterans, while others were new to the workout (and one new to F3 altogether).  Everyone came for the same reason though…  THE SHARKNADO!!

I gave some initial instruction for those who were new to the workout, and away we went.

Mosey to the corner of Holly Springs and Holly Springs

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)

  • 15 burpees
  • Run around park (approx 0.15 miles)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • Run around park
  • 20 WWII sit-ups
  • Run around park
  • 20 merkins
  • Run around park
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks
  • Run around park

Total of 75 burpees, 100 diamond merkins, 100 WWII sit-ups, 100 merkins, 100 scorpion dry-docks, and 4 miles of running.

Mosey back to clubhouse for COT

Burnt Moleskin:

  • 31 PAX!!  Amazing turnout given the many other Friday options and with Spearhead still going strong. 
  • Turnpike came prepared with a Weinke, but quickly abandoned it as just yelling out, "What's Next" works just as well.  And AWESOME JOB completing this on your first try!  Not something that is usually accomplished.
  • Scrappy was shot out of a cannon as usual, but Snoopy ended up chasing him down.  The two of them could have probably finished 6 cycles if given the chance (or a dare).  Pretty sure they both have one speed, FAST!
  • There were a lot of Fly-By runners as Titan, Mort, and Tweetsie made an appearance along with some others (I think I saw BEP there too, but could have been hallucinating).  Some took a lap with us, some just watched the carnage.
  • Speaking of Tweetsie, his EH of Etch-a-Sketch was quite epic as he told him, "See you at The Sharknado" which prompted Etch to come.  Tweetsie did "see" him there on his fly-by, but did not do the workout.  Well played Tweetsie, well played indeed.
  • We had one FNG (Brett) who said he will be back for another workout.  I managed to EH him to this workout, so hopefully I can convince him to come back to another one!
  • Mini-Me made his second appearance at The Sharknado after being a part of the group that attempted the very first one.  There are still some (**Cough**, FREEPASS) who have not been back since that fateful day.  The struggle was REAL for all of us on that first attempt.
  • Great Job by everyone who made it to their first Sharknado, those who completed the whole thing (NOT EASY), and especially those who ran to the workout and others who ran back after as well.
  • Great 2ndF afterwards and thanks to Don Ho for bringing Coffee.  Beer is a normal staple after The Sharknado, but coffee was a welcome surprise! 
  • We prayed for Olive and his family during COT as they venture into this new phase of their lives.  Please continue to pray and reach out to them to make sure we are there to support them in any way we can.  Most of this will come from being there to talk, laugh, cry, and just be there.  Please make the effort when you can.
  • Happy and humbled to be a part of such a great group of Men!!