We Need a Weight Warmer

Carpet Bagger brought the weights, but they were outside all night in 30'degree weather.  So they were cold.  And we grabbed 2.  We offered suggestions to get them warm before workouts…

  • buy a heated blanket and lay over every night
  • ask CB's wife to blow dry them at 4:30
  • buy a CAO for the truck

but CB didn't like any of our ideas.  Back to te drawing board, but in the meantime, we had cold weights.  Two of them.


WE farmer carried two weights to the bottom floor at DPK.  Then…

  • 25x SSH
  • 15x IST
  • 10x Toy Soldier 
  • 10x long snapped
  • 15x mountain climbers
  • 10x merkins

all In cadence.


Round One

  • 12x 8-count man makers
  • 12x chest pressed with an exercise of choice
  • 12x mason twist
  • 12x V ups
  • farner carry to next floor up


Round Teo

  • 12x 8-count man makers
  • 10x lawn mowers right
  • 10x lawn mowers left
  • 10x curls
  • famer carry to next floor down


Then Popcorn did the math, and we were 16 man makers from 100.  So we did 16 more.  Did some side LBCs and then recover recover.

Prayers for Firestone's friend Wanda who found out she has cancer yesterday

Prayers for Laggard's friend who's son recently passed of a rare disease complicated by COVID

Prayers for Honeysuckle's mother in law who is in the hospital.

650 calories burned.  8 men better prepared to take on the day. 
