We now know how to get Ponch to a workout… and FAST

So let YHC dive into the details of the spectacular workout YHC had planned…  Ok, scrap that – who cares b/c most of us barely got a workout in, and certainly everyone (except maybe some pax running the P200) have seen the fire, medic and police lights on Twitter, so no one is opening this BB to see what YHC planned or what any of us sorta tried to accomplish.  Although as ya might expect – with Kosar as 1 of the 4 team captains, he took his team off for the workout.  Screw all the entertainment!


So….  YHC arrived with about 8 kettle bells and began to set up for a great workout that would never happen.  Carrying a couple/few bells at a time to the courtyard by the intersection, YHC did note the loud music coming from a car stopped at the light (didn’t occur to YHC to see if the light was red or green – and this is called foreshadowing).  YHC went back for more bells as pax began to arrive with additional extra bells per YHC’s text requests.  As YHC set up, multiple times there were some honks at the intersection.  First a polite “beep-beep” but then some others laying on the horn in frustration.  Eventually, YHC realized that might be the same car still at the intersection.  About the time of that realization, Blackbeard appeared from the gloom as he and Titan wrapped up their standard.  Blackbeard called out that the vehicle was there earlier.  Now that both of us recognized it had been there for potentially 30 or more mins, we grew concerned and the pax jumped into action.  Multiple pax approached the car from the sides and behind – not from in front for safety.  We tapped on the hood, the banged on the hood and doors.  When the man behind the wheel (sitting straight up, eyes closed and unresponsive) did not awaken we called 911 (Frontier and YHC both until YHC realized we were doubling down and causing chaos for the 911 operator.

Fire was the first to arrive (we think there might be a fire station nearby…).  Then very quickly medic, then a police car.  Then another police car, an then they were everywhere and the intersection was full of lights!  And ah-ha there’s PONCH!!!  Was impressive to see Ponch at work and in charge.  By COT the pax voted unanimously to include Ponch in the pax list as after all he did more than the rest of us and was pretty much there the entire time!

We let them know what we’d witnessed and attempted, then the 1st responders worked together to attempt to awaken the man.  Eventually he woke up, yada yada yada, door opened, man on ground, man arrested, etc.  

Kosar’s team may have been the only team to hit all 4 stations (entrance to greenway, new brewery courtyard, Veteran’s Memorial and bench press area of DPK).  The other 3 teams stayed nearby and within sight of all the activity.  There were many exercises done and lots and lots of contemplation over what the pax was witnessing.  Someone may have broken a sweat, but not many, and not YHC.

2 FNGs posted today – go figure!  They didn’t get much of a workout but boy did we set the bar high regarding the wow-factor of F3!!!  They joined us for coffeteria at Lowe’s and will both be posting for their 2nd post at The Sword on Monday.

YHC recommends we don’t share much more detail about what we witnessed other than what’s been written above, but HIGHLY recommend the replies be focused on the nicknames to be awarded on Monday.

One FNG was actually EH’ed at The Wilderness the day before.  He was in his car, drove by the pax exercising as he took his daughter to school.  When he saw us again on his way home, he stopped to inquire about who we were and what we were doing.  New to the area, he was excited to find a group to exercise with!  Gotta be the first guy ever EHed by all the pax while he was in his car driving by!?!?!  So submit some names.  “Drive-by” for example.  I believe his hospital name is something like Eylario Kiendo (butchering that no doubt).

FNG 2 was EH’ed but Turnpike who let Ultraman and YHC know the day before that Kalyan would be attending and for us to look out for him.  Kalyan’s nickname absolutely must be derived from the events of this morning.  Ideas I’ve heard and/or suggested include: Passed Out, 911, Unresponsive, Last Call, Asleep at the Wheel, Stoplight, Green Means Go.

Chime in, pax!