We played with LOGS

Event Date

Oct 24, 2023

10 Pax showed in the gloom to play with logs @ #TheGladiator. Here what went down.


Commence Indian Run around the parking lot


Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100 IC) Yes!

-Hillbilly x20 (40 IC)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40 IC)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10

The Thang

Grab a log-Each Pax would call an exercise consisting of 50 reps (with or without the log) until the circle was complete. All Pax would them run a lap and return. YHC would also weave in some squats.

We did:

-Chest Press x25 (50 IC)

-YHC called squats w/ the log x20 (40 IC)

Take a lap

-Sit up with elevated log x25 (50 IC)

-YHC called squats w/ the log x20 (40 IC)

Take a lap

-Curl x25 (50 IC)

-YHC called slow squats w/ the log x10

Take a lap

-Lbc x25 (50 IC)

-YHC called slow squats w/ the log x10

Take a lap

-Logs overhead throws across the parking lot/Zamperini back

-YHC called slow squats w/ the log x10

Take a lap

-‘Mericans & Decline ‘Mericans x13 of each (26)

-YHC called slow squats w/ the log x10

Take a lap (low on time, so skip laps and continue the circle)

-Overhead press x25 (50 IC)

-Log lifts/Bentover row x25 (50 IC)

-Hip thrusts x25 (50 IC)

Logs up

Mosey back to base

Recover, Recover


All Pax took care of business today. Toxic came in hot and ran to meet us. It was good to see POS back at it again as we haven’t posted together in a while. It was also good to see Flo again. He showed his dogs who the Alpha is. Mounds, Wreck it Ralph, and Bowser are the 3 Amigos and crush it every time. They also like to show up Toxic. Troll took his anger out during the log throws. Shaken Not Stirred went toe to toe with Toxic today. Lambeau requested MC Hammer for his ‘Mericans/Decline ‘Mericans reps (YHC likes his style). It’s always great to start the day off right with F3 brothers.


Prayer Requests:

-Troll has been seeking work and has job interviews this week!

Flo-continues his battle with ITP-prayers appreciated

-Pray for Moby Dick’s son, Sims, a who has a brain injury from a boating accident. Had to withdraw from school, can’t drive, and having vision issues. Pray for PT and recovery.

-Grenade is seeking a job in the business intelligence and analytics consulting field. If any Pax has a company that is hiring, please reach out to him.

-Jorel and family with the recent loss of his mother

-Mulligan and family with the recent loss of his father

-Middle East conflict

-Pax who are caregiving for aging parents and health issues among them

-Unspokens in all F3 circles


-Flo is helping coordinate a Thanksgiving feeding for needy families in the Huntersville area on 11/11. He needs volunteers, sponsors, and any Pax who is musically gifted or in a band who may want to come out and jam. See Flo for details.

-Begin thinking about donating to Operation Sweet Tooth’s Christmas present/toy drive when shopping.

-Christmas party on 12/1 at 7:30pm at 760 Craftworks in downtown Huntersville.

-Upcoming elections-Remember Hippie and Gambini who are running for Huntersville Town Commission as our fellow Pax!

-There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

-Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one step on your own.

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, etc.)