We Played With Ourselves

Event Date

Jun 20, 2023




We Played With Ourselves

With the first workout of my mini-Toby week and impending storms, I planned several different options in case it rained.  It was only spittin’ for a few minutes, but we mostly stayed dry.  My plans for some schoolyard games may have gone better with more guys, but thanks to Gambini for not leaving me as a sad clown today! 

Warmorama: ran a lap, SSH, IST, Hillbilly, long-snapper, toy soldier

The Thang:

3 rounds on the playground:

5 Pull-ups

10 Squats IC

10 Dips IC

10 Lunges IC


Team work games:

  • Agility training: Tennis ball sprints: cones were in a square about 10 yards apart with one cone in the middle. Two tennis balls at each corner cone.  When I say “Begin,” the pax bring the balls one by one to the middle and then when they are in the middle, they are brought back to the corners as fast as they can.  We did two rounds.


  • Balloon burpees: this would have gone much better had more guys posted, but we tried it anyway. One person is in plank while the other hits the balloon up in the air then drops to a burpee while the other hits the balloon and does another burpee… it was tough – I think our best was about 8 or 9.


  • Balloon situps: if the balloon burpees weren’t bad enough, the balloon situps helped assure YHC to only bring out the balloon when the wind is slow and there are enough pax to keep it going.


  • Over under with blocks: Stand in line and pass the block behind you – over your head, to your partner. You run behind your partner who passes it through his legs, and so on… then switch because there were only two of us.  Again, would have been more fun with more pax. 

Cool down lap.


W’s, Dolly’s, LBC, leg-lift hold, etc.


To the car that pulled in at the start and parked beside me, as I was setting up the cones and balls, and then pulled out and left, you were greatly missed!  Must not have wanted to have any fun!  Thanks again to Gambini for posting and for EH’ing me last year.  Even when there are just two of us and the best of plans don’t come to fruition, we can still get a good workout in.

I will see you all tomorrow at Ludicrous Speed where, due to the rain, it will be unlikely that we will run much as it will be a rain-friendly (sheltered).

– Drebin