We prayed at the end

Hello fine people of Lakeotope, today we had planned on bringing you the story of 14 soldiers of the gloom who set out to defy the laws of gravity in the firstish running of Caboose!  Unfortunately, the server room at Isotope HQ must have overheated and the keyboard warriors over at the nerdery couldn't complete a simple request to add the aforementioned workout to the list.  So, today, we bring you an old favorite, Recover!

0015 Kentucky game is over, (suck it LSU) M decided to sleep in the guest room on account of the late to bed early to rise agenda of YHc and probably because that game ended with 3 – 4 Kentucky hugs, and I've been known to snore a bit after hugging.

all that being said, no kidney kicks this am to grease the skids of the day, just pure will and determination to not leave Coach Mini all by his lonesome this morning #accountability

0430 nope, not ready yet

0434 really a 4 min snooze, what is this

0440 okay, it's happening

0453 on the road

0459 fire text

0501 spot a lonely ginger searching for a companion 

0503 #thestandard 

0517 join up with the regulars, including pork chop and another former Nantan and we are off

0520 YHC is leading the pack and then the fast holes start pulling away, The Count, Dallas and Mini are running great, and yet Swing State shows up in a hoodie and matching peach socks and shoes and just runs circles around them..weird. #Nantanthings

0523 YHc is out of breath and uses the disappearance of pork chop to create a stoppage in the run with the sole purpose of catching the ever hard to capture, breath.

0523.1 landshark sees this plan and yells things at YHC which were hurtful and would be considered an ISS offense.

0540 hey look, it's stray and ramrod and Jimmy o, eating breakfast in the middle of the road, weird Shield lock things.

0545 Turnpike circles back to ensure YHC is not too lonely, as a great teammates

always does.

0550 Calypso plays a little game where he walks up the hill until I get close then he speeds away, then he does it again, and again.  I'm not sure if it was on purpose or he was just being mean unintentionally…but well played nonetheless.

0600 we arrive at the finish, find pork chop alive and wellish, and see burgoo, who apparently just ran to the actual caboose and back.

we circled up as good core principle following pax do, we counted, we didn't do names because we all know each other and the 9er prayed one of the single greatest COT Caboose prayers of this decade, you had to be there.  So for those of you who may be discounting this Thursday tradition as a "fake workout" or a "feeble attempt at trolling" I say to you, your move FAFs, we did all the things and even had multiple Senior Level Leadership Council members present, judge us now!

Now that we have settled the validity of the beacon of reinvigoration, I do need to confess a failure in my plan.  You see friends, we have a little guy we call pork chop that is void of motivation currently and will not budge on his anti csaup ways.  Normally we have the sometimes reliable Black eyed pea to accompany Pork Chop and ensure he makes it at least 3/4 of a mile before turning around.  Unfortunately, BEP was nowhere to be found today, and Pork Chop drifted to the back of the pack.  After a mile I turned around, not due to my rising heart rate and lack of control of certain bodily functions, but for my heart's concern for dear sweet Pork Chop, but he was nowhere to be found.  Now, as you know, it is the Qs responsibility to look out for the 6, and even though BEP failed me I will take accountability for losing PC but I will also offer a solution.  Going forward, I will be Baby Bjorning him before each run.  Yes it will be annoying to have his little arms and legs flailing about while I run, but this isn't about my comfort, it's about comforting PC and letting him know we are there for him…#brotherhood/#parenthood

so, if anyone has a baby Bjorn or any toddler carrying device, please deliver to Incog Elite (TM) HQ.  And lastly, thanks to BEP for absolutely nothing today and don't forget it doesn't count unless you pray at the end (or it's on strava)


