We Prefer Glutes

14 Swingers got it done at #TheCauldron this morning without any blue light special. Here’s the summary:



-SSH x 50 (100) Yes!

-IST x 20 (40)

-Slow Windmill x10

Mosey to the top of the parking deck for:

-‘Mericanators (5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide)

-Reverse lunge x20 (40)

-Plank-jack x20 (40)

Mosey back down the deck for a Tabata series  of one KB exercise followed by one non-KB exercise with 45 seconds of AMRAP and a 10 second transition in between:

-KB swings


-‘Merican KB transfers

-Low flutter (w/KB option)

-KB Russian twist

-Pickle pounder

-KB bent-over row

-Hollow holds

-KB curls

-T-planks (alternate sides)

-KB skull crusher

-Seated flutter kicks

-KB sumo squat thruster to overhead press


-KB lawn mower pulls (alternate sides)

-Peter Parker

-WWII’s w/KB (yes, you read this right)

-Hello Dolly

-KB Arm thrusters/shoulder press (alternate sides)

-Homer to marge

-KB Calf raises

-Freddy Mercury

-Glute bridge thrusters w/the KB

-KB Burners


-KB deadlift

-Windshield wiper

-KB Lunge plank w/curl


-KB Goblet squats

-Slow hold ‘Mericans

-KB Chest press

-KB curls (again, just because)

Recover, Recover


You could feel the Friday”ness” in the air. Mumble-chatter was abound, birds were chirping, the clanging of kettlebells on the concrete/asphalt as Pax unloaded them out of their vehicles was heard…and no one wanting to start on time. YHC somehow lured the unruly group into the parking deck…eventually. The Force seemed to have an arsenal of kettlebells in his “Forcemobile, so no one had to go without. Frogger was the center of attention and conversation. Although we never discussed the important topics like Tesla’s or duvets, we did discuss the relevance of calf vs glute muscles and which is more important (and relevant animal examples). Frogger says glutes always win-hands down. There is a definite theme here…duvets…glutes…Speaking of glutes, thank goodness Happy Gilmore asked for clarification when YHC said “squeeze those glutes” (while doing the weighted glute bridge), YHC should’ve provided further clarification as to whether he meant our own glutes or another Pax’s glutes (that was a close call folks). Baller was a beast as always. YHC was waiting for him to rip off his shirt in protest of more pain, but he maintained his composure. Omaha was itching to check pulses after attending the CPR event last night. Peart Plus was in full effect today and got it done. Amen’s hair growth continues to be remarkable. Out Cold has been crushing it lately at workouts now that he’s been named. POS, is a stud. What can’t that guy do? The Colonel hit his head over the clearance bar doing SSH. Dude must have been a basketball center as he is kinda tall. Detox has youth on his side as he had no trouble with the workout today.. Welcome to FNG, Sheldon Snyder, who shall be named at his next post. He did great today! Hot Wax is a proud MQ and YHC thanks him for lending him the keys today.

COT/Namarama/ Announcements/Prayer:

-Unspokens among F3

-Caregiving issues among many Pax with their parents and deteriorating health conditions

-Thanks to those Pax who attended CPR refresher last night led by Gnarly Goat

Always great to start the day with my F3 brothers.

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)