we really only did two exercises…

21 Pax in total…Worley, Marshall + 5 others (apologies for missing some names)

Warmup: obligatory SSH to start, Prone Lateral Raise/Glute Bridge/Scap Pushups/Runner's Stretch…10 Burpees OYO…mosey on over to DUMC.

Workout: we really only did two exercises, boring and easy, I know.  10xRenegade Rows with a pair of bricks (IC) and 5xSandbag Goblet Squats (IC).  And then again, this time 20 (IC) and 10 (IC).  And then again, 30 (IC) and 15 (IC).  And then again, 40 (IC) and 20 (IC).  And then again, 50 (IC) and 25 (IC).  We might have broken up the rounds of 40 & 50 into smaller sets, but only those that posted know for certain.  If you're counting, that's 150 pushups and 150 squats.  There might have been some disgruntled mumblechatter after the round of 20 when I mentioned to the Pax that the rep count was going up, not down.  That was also about the time Mary K lost his shirt (did he ever find it?).

We finished off with some shoulder work on the bricks.  10xSide Lateral Raise (IC) and then ran with our bricks to the dumpster and back.  15xArnold Press (IC) and then dumpster run w/ bricks.  20xSide Lateral Raise (IC).  Mosey back to Green.

Mary: Child's Pose (shoulder mobility stretch) & Runner's Stretch.

Fun times today, gentlemen!  Thanks for posting!


