We represented the Lollipop Guild

Event Date

Feb 05, 2024


The early rising Munchkins represented the Lollipop Guild very well this morning at Berean. During warm-ups Hippie felt as if one of the warm-up exercises reminded him of the Munchkins singing “We represent the Lollipop Guild” in the Wizard of OZ, within seconds we where all swaying and kicking to Hippie’s rendition of the “Lollipop Guild”. Good laugh for 5:16am.

Great morning spent with Great MEN! Enjoyed it and we got better.

Mosey to warm up area:

SSH IC x 10

IST IC x 10

Prisoner Squats IC x 10

Long Snappers IC x 10

Left/Right Groin Stretch

Mountain Climbers IC x 10

Parker Peters IC x 10

Lateral Butt Kicks (for now on called “Lollipop Guild”, thank you Hippie)

Standing Single Leg Knee Hugs IC x 10

Arm Swings with an explanation of the mornings game-plan

Mosey to Greenway and head down to bottom collection area


Backward lunge x 20, 10 left/10 right, double time back up hill for 20 curb Mericans, repeat circuit x 5

Mosey to Planter: Circuit

Single Leg Step Down x 10 OYO Left/Right followed by LBC with heels on wall IC x 15, repeat circuit x 3

Mosey back to launch for Red Band Series, all done IC x 10

Forward Lift with Behind the Head Pull Apart

Chest High Pull Apart

Diagonal Pull Apart Left/Right

Low Row

Bicep Curl

Tricep Extension Left/Right

Resisted Mericans

Hip/Core/Stretch Series all done IC x 10: Fire Hydrants, Bird Dog, Pretzel Crunch, Elbow Planks Left/Right/Center, Child Pose, Criss-Cross Applesauce!

Announcements: Possum reminded us about the Hope House Gala and needing volunteers.

COT: FORGIVENESS; we need to ask for it and we need to give it when asked. Daily struggle, continue to pray that we can be better with it daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, forever!

“Do not be conquered by evil by conquer evil with Goodness” St.P
