We rolled into Arnie’s dry and got all wet anyways

Event Date

Jul 22, 2024

In spite of morning rain prior to the workout, and the potential for more at any time, 5 pax joined YHC for a beatdown at YHC’s old stomping grounds, Arnie’s Army.

It would be my first Q in a while, and have to say, I was nervous I’d be rusty.  Those concerns were proven to be justified after, following a couple lap mosey around the parking lot at 0530, collecting Auto on the second lap, YHC welcomed the pax to “Mighty Oak.”  Doh!  Guess I should be posting more often than once a month, and branching out to AOs other than TMO.

Anyway, following that disaster and what Auto declared was the “worst disclaimer ever given by an attorney,” we proceeded with Warm-O-Rama:

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Arm Circles both directions
  • Warmup Merican x 10 IC (called by Auto)
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 25 IC (pax request)

Mosey to benches.

  • Dip x 15 IC

Mosey to neglected playground in back of AO.  Pax instructed to complete all of the following OYO, in any order:

  • Offset Merican (Left Arm) x 20
  • Offset Merican (Right Arm) x 20
  • Squat x 20
  • Pullup x 20
  • Dip x 20

Mosey back to parking lot.  YHC headed to power tower before being informed that there are plenty of blocks now behind the bushes adjacent to lot.  Doh!  Guess I would have known this had I posted here more often than, like, once in 2024.  Grab one block per pax and return to lot.

Partner up for DORA 1-2-3, with one partner running short lap in parking lot:

  • Squat x 100
  • Curl x 200
  • Skullcrusher x 300

Next partner exercise – one partner farmer’s carry 2 blocks counterclockwise in lot while other partner runs clockwise.  Flip flop when you meet your partner.  Continue until blocks have made 2 laps in lot.  10 counts were called after both laps.

Return blocks.  Mosey back to benches for the following, all OYO:

  • Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 (Left)
  • Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 (Right)
  • Touch that Butt x 10
  • Incline Merican x 10
  • Step Up x 10

Mosey to parking lot for Mary:

  • WWII x 20
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Cool Down Merican x 10 IC (called by Auto)
  • Rocky Balboa x 25 IC
  • 1 Min Plank

Recover, recover.


  • Glad to be back at it, and good to see some familiar faces and Arnie’s regulars this morning.  YHC needs to start posting again with more consistency.  Appreciate the push this morning from this group.
  • The rain stopped for the most part before we arrived, and didn’t start back up until after we left, but we were all soaked nonetheless.  Definitely a muggy morning.
  • No sign of Eeyore.  We missed you, Eeyore.  And Roadie – where was Roadie?
  • Thanks to Tammy Faye for reaching out to YHC and asking for a Q.  We missed you as well, but hope you’re somewhere fun, or at least doing something fun.  I’ll be back, promise.
  • Thanks to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016 – I’m forever grateful.
