We rolled the dice, and ended up with the runs

Event Date

Mar 11, 2019

0530…the shovel fag and finally the Q are ready to go.



SSH (IC) x 20

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 15

Capri lap around the parking lot so YHC can place some 100m, 200m, 300m , and 400m chalk marks.

Extended warm up…line up behind the cars and do one had release merkin…run to top do 2 hand release merkins…repeato until someone gets to 10.


With distances established, YHC produces a dice and the number rolled represents the distance to run. 1=100m, 2=200m, 3=300m, 4=400m, 5=PAX choice, & 6=Q choice

The goal is to run a fast past and mosey back to start. While waiting for the six, perform an exercise. Once the six arrives we all do that exercise x 5 10 (IC). Then we all do another exercise x 10 (IC). Roll again and repeato, repeato.

Round 1

300m, Flutter kicks, & Copperhead Squats

100m, Low Dolly, & Diamond merkins

200m, Reverse crunch, & Monkey humpers

100m , Pretzel crunch right, &Tony hawks

300m, Pretzel crunch left, & Russian dips

400m, LBCs, Russian dips (missed above), & Plank shoulder taps


Mucho above


Matthew 5:6

"Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

YHC is blessed to have the F# brotherhood and we spoke and prayed for the PAX that have recently had their 2nd or 10th child and to be with their families. Give them rest to go along with all the joy!


-Brother Spork gets strong-armed last night at the AO2AO planning commitee meeting into posting. He showed up all bundled so we were guessing he came straight out of the tree stand. Once he got all those layers off, he was back and leading the Pack like times of ole.

-Great to have Bertha "back" out as well. We are better when you are there but don't overdo it out of the gate.

-Zippy has quite the month planned out with ruck events, but now is time to train for the P200?!? There is not "can't" in this dude.

-Kaczynski gets in a short standard and it shows as he's warmed up on the first segment and leaves a trail of dust to follow.

-Clark may still be trying to get his gloves on. Hopefully he is dialing in on his running woes though he seems dead set on not listening to the PAX as all of the sysmptoms point towards his lack of gluten.

-Mater had his racing goggles on this morning learned what happens when you follow too closely (or when the PAX in front of you doesn't tell you they're stopping). Thanks for not plowing YHC over.

-Plan was to keep the PAX together though everyone could run what ever pace. Suggestions for the future is to have the rabbits run the rolled distance, but then complete the 400m on the 100, 200, and 300's thus allowing the six to go striaght back. With all cutting straight back the six got cheated on some ab work.

-AO2AO year 3 is booked and ready for PAX. April 5th, launchin at 2000 from ELHS parking lot. Come one, come all. If you are reading this you can do it!

Pleasure to lead and be led by you fine men.
