We sometimes neglect these muscle groups

On a warm, almost spring day, here is what went down at Emmaus.

0400:  YHC has offered the 0400 "Run Standard" in the past when Qing Emmaus.  Usually doesn't get any takers and wasn't expecting any today.  But what's this…Cherry Bomb running to the AO from his hood.  We ran a nice ~4.1 mile route using the Greenway out to Westmoreland over to Catawba, back to the AO.  Great catching up bud!

0444:  Tantrum and Turncoat can't decide if they want to run or bootcamp with us.  Blackberry and others noted their conversation sounded like our wives deciding where to go for dinner.  *drevil*  They decided on running.

0445:  Five of us (Blackberry, Cherry Bomb, Jaws, Jingle Bells, and YHC) were off for our free bootcamp F.  The idea was to try to hit a few lesser used muscle groups.


  • Big loop within the parking lot of Birkdale, including high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle L/R, Karaoke L/R, and Quadraphelia. 
  • Circle up under the awning of the bookstore, as there was a slight mist.  Disclaimer given.
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Slow calf declines x 15 each leg OYO
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 2 min
  • Glute raises, 30 seconds both legs, then each leg for 15 seconds each more (some questioned whether YHC was really keeping time or just pretending to look at my watch)
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC

The Thing:

Mosey to the dumpsters, everyone grab 2 blocks.  Circle up for:

  • 1 Pax farmer carries both blocks a distance of ~60 yards, as the timer, while everyone does:
  • Bent over block rows, AMRAP
  • Slow deep block squats, AMRAP
  • Repeato until everyone has farmer carried once, and did the AMRAP exercises twice (because there were 5 of us)

Take a "recovery lap" around the lot.  Circle up again for:

  • 1 Pax farmer carries both blocks a distance of ~60 yards, as the timer, while everyone does:
  • Front shoulder press, AMRAP
  • Block curls, AMRAP
  • Repeato until everyone has farmer carried once, and did the AMRAP exercises twice

We did a sideways plank walk (counter clockwise) around an island in the parking lot.  Put the blocks away.

Mosey to the bridge towards Rubber Maid for:

  • Lunge walk across the bridge, holding the rails because YHC cares about safety
  • Slow calf declines x 15 each leg OYO
  • Glute raises, 30 seconds both legs, then each leg for 15 seconds each more
  • Sideways sumo squat walk half way across the bridge

Mosey back to the start.  (Looks at watch)  Actually, double time it!  We made it back to the start and "recover, recover" was called at 05:30:58 so let the record show there was no 1st F violation with 1st F Q Cherry Bomb present!

We covered 1.65 miles according to Strava.

0530 2nd F Discussion / Moleskin:

Cherry Bomb had to depart for his 3 week old at home.  Tantrum and Turncoat returned from their run and joined us.  And Carpet Bagger joined later in the conversation as well. 

Well, the 2nd F discussion was actually a 1st F discussion.  YHC posed the questions:

  1. Do you set Q goals?
  2. If so, how?

YHC started by stating that in 2018 I strived to Q for every new MQ that year.  Probably came up short by a few AOs but nonetheless had a solid 52 Qs that year.  (That was several Qs at my favorite AOs + many for new MQs)

In 2020 my goal is more modest:  30 Qs for the year and Q at the (few) remaining Huntersville / Cornelius AOs where I've never Q'd before. 

This led to some interesting discussions:

  1. Tantrum doesn't necessarily set a number goal.  He just Qs "where he's needed" and one can see that quickly adds up to a high number.
  2. Turncoat as 1st F Q in 2019 laid down the "12 Q Challenge", which included a suggestion to Q at 3 different AOs or more.  Turncoat strives to introduce at least 1 new exercise every time he Qs, great idea.
  3. Blackberry would typically Q ~2 times per month back in his MQ days, and stated there wasn't a clear pattern around when he would Q.  YHC noted that his Qs are tough for, er, scrawny guys; to which he was glad to hear that.
  4. Jaws flipped it around a bit: as an MQ at Titan he strives to Q there as infrequently as possible.  Tantrum and Jaws then discussed it would be cool to see how many unique Qs one could get in a year at one's AO.
  5. Everyone enjoys the "Q Stats" section of this website.  Jingle Bells mentioned he'd like to see something around monthly metrics.
  6. Carpet Bagger has been Qing and posting a ton this year.  His goal is 300 posts and he's currently on track for that.  YHC challenged him to Q at most of the AOs he hasn't yet in 2020.
  7. The conversation veered nicely into things like EHing more people, our knicknames for new PAX, EHing Kotters, and the benefits of occasionally picking 1-2 AOs to post at very often as a way to keep accountability high.
  8. We wrapped up late, around 6:25, which is a sign of great conversation.
  9. We prayed for T-Bone, and we were thankful for the company and the great weather.
  10. Thank you Ramrod for the opportunity to lead.  

Enjoyed it gents.  Let's agree to get out there and Q somewhere where we haven't yet Q'd.