We started off happy, but then…

Event Date

Jan 18, 2019

…can't finish the rest of that wonderful The Force quote, since this is a PG backblast.  #STK

On a not terribly freezing day at The Cauldron, we did some nice work.  Roughly:

0500:  2.0 mile Run Standard with The Force and YHC, at a nice pace but arguably could've been slower.

0530:  Joined by 6 other PAX, the 8 of us did:


  • Mosey with high knees, butt kickers, exaggerated long striders, and Quadraphilia
  • Circle up and disclaimer.
  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC, followed by 2 jump squats OYO) x 5  (The morning started off so well…)
  • Elbow plank x 1 min  (…but then [comment redacted] lol  )

The Thing:

Partner up, size does not matter.  First exercise was an 8 count partner Merican as follows:

  • One (down), Two (up), Three (slap right hands.  It was suggested you could say "Booyah" and some did), Four (return right hands to ground), Five (down), Six (up), Seven (left arm up – as in a Man-maker-Merican), PAX count as we return left arm to ground x 10 IC.  Note:  Pretty cool idea, perhaps not entirely clear though.  Some tried to alternate arms, that wasn't my intention.  We tried this again later.
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC

Recover.  Grab your bells.

  • Partner 1: Kettle bell bent over rows AMRAP and keep count.  Partner 2 bear crawls a ways.
  • Flip flop and repeato until each team did 200.  Plank while waiting.
  • Partner 1: Kettle bell deeps squats AMRAP and keep count.  Partner 2 runs a big lap.
  • Flip flop and repeato until each team did 200.  Plank while waiting.

8 count partner Merican but flip sides:

  • One (down), Two (up), Three (slap left hands), Four (return left hands to ground), Five (down), Six (up), Seven (right arm up), PAX count as we return right arm to ground x 10 IC.


  • Jump over your bells x 25 OYO
  • The standard, part 1:
  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC

Probably a "recovery lap" at this point.

Find your partner again:

  • Wheel barrow walk a ways.
  • Flip flop on the way back.
  • Partner leg throw downs x 25
  • Flip flop
  • The standard, part 2:
  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC

Put the bells to the side for:

  • 80% sprint to get the heart rate up
  • 90% sprint back

Circle up for Mary.


  • Man maker elbow plank x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 15 IC
  • Crunchy frog x 15 IC.  "That's too much Mary for me."  So a quick:
  • 80% sprint to get the heart rate up
  • 90% sprint back
  • LBCs x 50 IC
  • Elbow plank, including calf stretches, into:
  • Hamstring stretch, into:
  • Calf raises x 10 OYO

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.3 miles according to Strava.


  1. T-claps for Odyssey runners for the "fly by".  And #DoubleT-Claps to #HIM @Mayhem for collecting items for Charlotte Rescue Mission.  Well done kind Sir.
  2. The "Great MQ Switch of 2019" is an awesome thing to behold.  Ultraman is now MQ of The Cauldron, The Count is now MQ at Odyssey, and Die Hard is now MQ at Fartlek.  Appreciate you guys keeping things fresh, and taking on MQ duties for another term!  PAX, if you can, it is always nice to help out a new MQ with a Q.  (And "new MQ" applies to gents MQing at a different AO, in my book) 
  3. Hopefully this backblast is humbly submitted before Topgun takes matters into his own hands, lol.  Topgun is a straight up beast and he'll kindly bring his talents to new AOs this year.  We hope other PAX take on that same challenge as well.
  4. Comic relief provided, as always, by The Force.  Unfortunately can't list much of it here.  Appreciate you joining for The Standard and I truly hope you slow down more often on your runs.  Not every run has to be at "goal pace", would be my humble advice.
  5. YHC missed Knockout's VQ, apparently.  Apologies, I think I was OOT.  YHC assumes it would have been very painful for scrawny guys.  PS – I don't see a backblast?  *wink*
  6. Amen noted there is always running at a Turnpike Q.  Indeed, sometimes I call them "scrawny guy recovery laps" because I probably smoked myself.  Strong work today bud.
  7. Omar was my partner today and quietly did 75% of the reps.  Didn't complain either, nice job bud!  Check out Omar at The Vanquisher on Monday, he has the Q.
  8. Thank you Ultraman for allowing me to lead.  And thanks again for taking on MQ duties at The Cauldron.  The hammer was certainly dropped at the first workout of the year here:  https://f3lakenorman.com/backblast/answering-a-question-nobody-asked-until-today.  I don't think we came anywhere close to that level of misery today, but hopefully everyone worked up a bit of a sweat.  Also, looking forward to your Q next week at The Estate. 
  9. Good luck to Die Hard and Ultraman.  I think you mentioned a race at the White Water Center tomorrow?  Apologies YHC got distracted…because I think you mentioned beer as well?  Sound off below with more details please.
  10. Announcements:  See the Preblasts page. 

Aye gents, Turnpike.