We Stayed on the Bus

Event Date

Sep 13, 2021


Back in 1973 Tony Orlando (and Dawn of course) opined that if he did not see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree… welll hell, he'd just stay on the damn bus.  Not two years later, Paul Simon also urged Gus and Lee to not only to hop on the bus, but to drop off the key and get themselves free.  Apparently the 70's were very bus-aware.  With these admonitions in mind, 7 dwarfs (well, Crocs 'Bagger and Bagboy are not quite dwarfs, but the rest of us mostly qualify) emerged from their tiny cottage to see if there was indeed a ribbon around the old oak tree.  Alas, there was not, and thus was born The Bus, which we stayed on, hopped on, and generally got ourselves free on.

Canuck noted that there was a noticeable hop in YHC's step after my brief visit to the Sbux, and it's because I had envisioned the bus ride.  There's 50 ways to leave Birkdale, and the Bus is one, and it's a free round trip.  As always a good time was had by all.  And for all the young whipper snappers, just knock three times on the ceiling and watch this dang masterpiece, with actual footage of Canuck in the yellow t shirt dancing a little groove move.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfJ9gcLDs0A