We threw the Old Extension Ladder at “em at The General LKN

15 pax drank the Friday koolaid

Warmorama – IST, windmill, toy soldier, squat, mericans

Mosey to bars – incline mericans, dips, declline mericans, dips, australian pullups palms down, dips, aus pullups palms up

Extension Ladder – exercises jump squats, mericans, peter parkers, scorpion dry docks – starting with 5 jump squats run to first parking lot island, 5 mericans, loop back to start each time then 10 of each, then 15 adding exercise rungs to the E Ladder

Circle up including MARY- point up (moses), side lunge, LBCs, side lunge, reach & catch, 10 burpees oyo (Eeyore), reach & catch, rosalita, SSH,  WW II  (tagless), the W, pretzel crunch, box cutter, elbow plank

Rumple Moleskin

1 – Thanks to Eeyore for allowing me to Q The General !  Lots of parking space to try out your creativity

2 – Tagless, Auto, Cousin Eddie & YHC for std run

3 – Moses took us out with solid prayers for this Friday

Keep on, keepin on !

Mayhem (in the AM)


