We Went Straight to Ludicrous Speed

"Now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb." – Lord Dark Helmet. Is it permissible to skip the workout and just host a Spaceballs viewing in lieu of next week? We all need more Spaceballs in our lives.

Stray and Force were waiting eagerly for the core standard to get started at the advertised time of 0510, YHC showed at 0511 and we jumped right in with 50 WWII's to start followed by a grueling ab workout courtesy of youtube. Turnpike joined somewhere along the way and it was determined the core standard has grown large enough that we should consider expanding into an open storefront in Birkdale. Plans to be announced soon.

15 of Isotope's finest joined me this morning for some perfect weather track work. A slow mosey lap to get us started and then we circled up for a disclaimer and a few warm-ups.

  • Long snappers x10 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • SSH x10 IC
  • Runner's stretch
  • Catcher's pose 


We all lined up at the top of the track and it was clearly and explicity stated that we would run 8×200's with a walk/slow mosey back to the starting line to start as a group each time. Simple enough. Sometimes you just gotta get in some solid track work at a running workout at the track. First 200 – Go! The Pax took off with such speed I was worried we had potentially set the track ablaze. DonHo and Hoodie subsequently ran their own 200's after round 1 ignoring the Q's explicit instructions and shaming the rest of the Pax by not stopping in between 200's. And we all felt properly shamed. Drebin used that shame to fuel his next 200 and was relegated to lane 7 in an attempt to level the playing field for everyone else. 8×200's were completed far too quickly so we added an 800 at a medium pace to finish the track work.


  • Plank it out while we get to know FNG Brian so we can determine a proper F3 name. "Fudd" is now the newest member of F3 Isotope, welcome Fudd!
  • On your 6 – six inches ab hold IC because sometimes you do exercises IC even if you don't move
  • 10 burpees OYO courtesy of DonHo

Recover Recover


  • Always good to welcome an FNG, thanks to Drebin for EH'ing Fudd.
  • Strong work from all involved today, everyone improved their cardio levels.
  • Good to see Smokey and Hoodie out this morning, you're always welcome at Ludicrous.
  • Snake Eyes running strong all the way through 8 even when some of us had started to fade.
  • Team Tuna had a good showing today – Tantrum, Turnpike, Hotbox, BEP, Stray, YHC – all this speed work is going to ensure us a victory in October!
  • Thanks to DonHo for taking us out in prayer.
  • Some good 2nd F at coffee following the workout today, YHC even secured two more Q's for Fallout! Thanks, Tantrum and Landshark!
  • And thanks to BEP for allowing me the chance to lead this morning.