We Were Outnumbered

Event Date

Nov 17, 2020

Also in attendance: Vegemite, El Capitan, Verde, Tolstoy, 2 Stroke

The temp was supposed to be close to 40 but everything was covered in frost. Tolstoy had no gloves but luckily the Q brought a couple extra. We had seen big numbers in the OL across the past couple of weeks with Fidel's Q setting a new record. Some regulars were traveling for work, or just fartsacking to avoid the cold, but El Capitan, Verde, Tolstoy, 2 Stroke, all ages 9-12 where there first thing raring to go. I didn'tt want to dissapoint, so here we go….

The Waramarama

SSH, Criss Cross SSH (thank you Swamp Thing), IST, Hillbillies, Various arm cicrles, Merkins, Lunges and Runners stretch

The Thang

Mosey down the hill- stop for SSH (for warmth), Squats, Front Lunges, Squats, Flying Merkins and Heals to Heaven

Mosey…stop for SSH, Squats, Side Lunges, Toe Touch Merkins, High Flutter,

Mosey up the hill ….stop for SSH, Back Lunges, LDS, Merkins, Runners Crunch

Mosey down the hill  stop for SSH, Back Lunges up the hill, Crawl Bear up the hill (multiple people became disoriented with this exercise, facing down hill you could only see pavement 🙂 )

Mosey down the hill stop for SSH, Jump Squats, Side Lunges, and for Verde more Crawl Bear up the hill

I did hear the young guns say a couple of time "This is hard," (the words every Q likes to hear) where I provided the reminder "You showed up for the workout" but later I thought to myself this was a missed opportunity to provide encouragement- I am still in training.

Mosey over to the playground for some dips, decline merkins x 2, step up IST, sqauts and raised Carolina Dry Docks x2 and runners crunches. The playground had a lot of back to back exercises which did give me some opportunity to provide some encouragement to the young guns.

Mosey back to the clubhouse for some quick Mary, which was merkins, and Recover Recover. 

I want to say that the SSH did keep the crew warm, gald for that stroke of genius as I was running this halfbaked workout.


Reminders- Pusher is Q for the Thursday F3DBC and mark your calenders for 12/12 for Summers Walk Christmas festivities including Marshell's doughnuts, taco and hot dog food trucks, luminaries, hot coco and possible caroling (all with social distancing and masks when in close proximity to others).

Prayers for a good day at school (El Capitan and Verde) and safe travels to MA for work and with the Family (Vegimite), prayers for grandparents with COVID (2 Stroke), we prayed for Tobias, that he would have a good day at school as he waited with his mom (Mrs. Cardio) at the bus stop, and I think there was another prayer I missed. Also prayers for Sparknut as he travels and his family this week and Tiger King as he looks for new work.

Miss the following guys: Burgundy, Chicken Noodle, Marshell, McBeal, Barbarino, Can of Corn and 8-Mile. Hopefully we'll see their faces again soon, or for sure once the rona passes.

Love all you guys and thank you for the opportunity to lead.
