We will cross that bridge when we come to it

Ya know, we pretty much do the same thing every week at Berean.  But honestly, I don’t mind, and the pax don’t seem to mind either.  So, we did what we normally do, which gave us a pretty good strength workout; gave us a heaping helping of cardiovascular activity; and gave us some coveted mobility moments.  

Soprano took a tumble but sprang back to life immediately.

There was some trepidation as we approached the icy bridge, but we all made it over and back… with Outlaw leading the way at a trot (as a midwestern icy-condition veteran should). 

Outlaw also goaded the Q into an attempt to saddle Thug with the big rock, but the wiry gangster would have none of that.  Alas, Thug did finally get his turn with the big rock at the end.

Some runners ran through our formation.  Not sure who was in that throng, but they were moving out and we had to hustle home to ensure we got seats at the Bux.

We had 100% attendance at coffeeteria, where we were also joined by Einstein.  We had a quick round of Monday Morning Quarterbacking, and then the conversation ranged far and wide.

 Berean regulars Airstream and Possum were given excused absences in light of their late night watching the Commanders squeak out a playoff dub.

Solid morning gents.  Bravo Zulu!

Goat sends.