We Will Rock You!

Event Date

Oct 22, 2019


6 PAX were Rock Stars at the Viking. Here is their story.


SSHx25, Windmillx10, ISTx10, Toy Soldierx10, Moroccan nightclub x50, ‘Mericansx10, Pickersx10

Grab a rock and head down the hill.

5, 10, 15, one more 10 for good luck with the rocks


Goblet Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crushers and Bent over Rows

Run a Lap


Peoples Chair/Air Press, Step-ups each leg, Dips, Incline ‘Mericans


Moses led shoulder touch planks, Low Flutter, Pretzel Crunch


A small, but distinguished group showed up for the Viking today, which included our current Nantan, a past Nantan, the master Q and F3 elite.

I am not sure if it was due to the rain, lack of sleep or the pressure from the quality of PAX attending, but this Q was dazed and confused throughout the workout. The confusion started with the disclaimer and continued right on through the COT.

We started with count confusion and mumble chatter from the PAX, while Buckeye emerged from the darkness during side straddle hops. We do start at 5:30 ya know 🙂

Q confusion turned into muscle confusion as the Q switched up the exercises. Intentional or not, I kind of liked the change up.

As always the PAX were helpful with constructive feedback – Form (Bagboy), Count Speed (Mr. House of Waffles), Variation (Fescue) and Moses (Genetic Limitations). I can take all of these suggestions back to the Lab and improve, but I am not sure what to do about the genetic limitations. There has to be a supplement for that. Hahaha

Surprisingly, even with age and forgetfulness… wait what was I doing…oh yeah the backblast, I was able to remember all six of you without the video. That said, I am a belt and suspenders kind of guy. Better safe than sorry.

Thank you to Fescue for allowing me to Q. Thank you to all the PAX and the support you provide.