We worked out at Birkdale

Warm Up (around the fountain): All IC

SSH x 30
IST X 30
MTN Climbers x 30
Slow Merkin (single count) x 10 
Dips x 15


Ran to grassy knoll
Kacka-lacka-choo- choo all the way down to the greenway entrance 

Jacob's Ladder: 
Run to the real bridge by the pond, 5 burpees, back to entrance of G.Way, 5 LBC's. 
Decrease burpee by 1 each time. Increase LBC by 5 each time. 
When finished, work on abs. 

Walking Lunges on the grassy knoll back to the other end. 

"PARKOUR!" sort of: You just has to be there.
It included some crawl bears, going over big obstacles, bear crawls up ramps, hopping over walls. 

In the Morning and At Night
Flutter Kicks w/o hands under butts (the Marine way) 


Skin of the Mole:

1) Thanks for coming out this morning. I had NO idea what I was going to do, but I think we all got a pretty good workout. We actually did nothing I thought we might do. Maybe next time.

2) Very encouraging group this morning! I appreciate that. We all could use encouragement. 

3) Have a great day and thanks for reading.