We Worked the Tree Trunks Today at The Wilderness

Not named in the Pax above:  Gepetto (Toxic, Top Gun and Ultraman – you're in charge of getting Gepetto registered.  You live on his street for goodness sake) and recently named Garcia and named today was Rembrandt.

The Q (YHC) warned the pax on the website calendar and w/ the PB that this would be no easy or ordinary workout… in hindsight I believe this drove the pax count to hit the 20 we had in the gloom!  YHC will keep that in mind for the future – the harder the workout sounds, the more men feel pulled toward it to prove they can crush any challenge!  So as noted previously, 19 pax posted to the dark, chilly gloom eagerly anticipating what was to come.  Here's what they found out…

The Thang:

Warmorama – not the exact same as usual, but close.  QUICK lap around the park. SSHs (20 b/c YHC forgot to stop at 15, and who does 16 of anything?).  ISTs x 15. Cotton Pickers (b/c Gnarly Goat loves cotton, and b/c we were gonna be working the legs overtime today) x 15.  That's it – we've got work to do!

Quick mosey out to Hugh Torrence Parkway.  Stop (yep, in the middle of the street) for quarter-turn jump squats to heat up the trunks.

Mosey down to Queens Corner.  Freddie Mercury's (duh) but only x10 b/c a car was coming and half the pax was laying in the street.  Said car was YHC's M, so it was a good call to move to safety quickly.

Introduction of "the coupon".  The coupon was a freshly cut log, about 4' long x 12+ inches in diameter, with brightly painted "F 3" on one side so no one could challenge if that was the right coupon.  Gnarly Goat (who promised via Twitter he'd bring "manitude" to the workout) was asked to meet us at the top of the hill at the weight room with the fresh coupon.  Olaf was asked to help him if Goat needed help.  Safety first, of course!

Pax quadrophelia up the hill to the weight room, everyone grab a rock.

Pax would do various weight/rock work while 2 at a time would go get the tree trunk and bring it back, then 2 others would return it.  So the tree trunk got as many miles in as the rest of our tree trunks (legs) this AM.  Oh yeah, and in between each set of weights the pax would run a lap around the pain clock.  Mid way YHC upped that to 2 laps around the pain clock, then back to 1 lap.  

Eventually it'd be time to put the rocks/weights back and mosey back to Queens Corner.  We passed 2 pax with the coupon on the way, but they caught up.  We did some exercise next which YHC cannot recall, then when the headlights of a car and a schoolbus appeared, the next exercise was obvious.  Monkey Humpers x 10 (wow, those burned).

Quadrophelia up the hill (Toxic's reco, I believe?).

9-Lives grabs the coupon from the final 2 pax (Gepetto and Black Bart, I believe) and carries it in solo (well, that was YHC's direction but it sure looked like Travolta was right behind him with his hands around the log… oh. oh my).

Cirlce up for 4 minutes of Mary (jipped the pax on the other 3 mins and thus no time to pull out the battle rope).  While pax does LBCs, we watched Gnarly Goat squat the coupon 5 times with tremendous form.  Yep, he DID bring some manitude!

Amen led the pax in 15 J-Lo's.  Then plan it out for the final 45 or so seconds.  Recover, recover!

The Heavy Moleskine:

Welcome, Garcia (1st post at The Wilderness with a nickname, and last week was his 1st post overall) and Rembrandt – named today b/c Brian (or Bryan?) is an interior painter from Michigan who found out about F3 by seeing the multiple F3 stickers and magnets on vehicles in the area.  We almost named him Bumper Sticker. 

The "quick" lap around the park was only quick for about 5 of us.  It was like a whole different pax joined us for warmorama a minute later.  Musta just been congestion getting through the lattice arbor and around the corners – this pax is much faster than that.

YHC knew that coupon was heavy – I'd moved it a few times after cutting it down and of course strategically placing it for the pax this AM…  but d-angit getting it up the hill solo was not easy.  The thought of merlot passed through my mind but fortunately for the pax it stopped there.  Did anyone else haul it solo?  Initial plan was it would be done solo and the 2nd pax would just be there for safety and to hoist it up to start.  In hindsight, 2 at a time was just fine.

Happy 52 tomorrow to Olaf!

God is great.  He surrounds us every day in all we do, all we see, all we feel.  We often glorify Him for all He has blessed us with, and He is more than deserving.  But in the face of unthinkable tragedy, could you still glorify Him? Recently, our F3 brother in Charlotte Area51, The Shore, and his family were faced with the unimaginable.  Their 16 year old son went missing for a week.  The community showered them with prayer and encouragement and love, but in the end his son, Nathan, would be found dead.  Tragicly, Nathan had taken his own life.  Please read the eulogy given by The Shore at the link below.  Devestatingly sad, but inspirationally strong.  God is great, even in the bad things that happen in this world.  He can still be seen, no matter the circumstances, if you look for Him.  Hug your children.  See the good in all of God's work.  Share the kindness.  #NWK
