Weakness is Meekness

10 Actors took the stage at today’s #Hollywood beatdown.  Landline called out my terse pre-blast and labeled it “weak” just like he expected the workout to be.  I guess it was, but hey, I didn’t see him leading this morning.  So there.

The Thang:
Mosey round the lot
Circle up
SSH X 100
Downward Dog
The American push-up
Man-maker ‘Merican
Plank Jack

Slow Squat
Toy Soldier
Hand-release ‘Merican
Mosey to the greenway hill by Pure Barre for:
5 Burpees
Forward down to the bridge, 10 WWII
Backward up the hill
4 Burpees, down to 10 WWII, backward up
3, 2, 1
10 Burpess at top
Forward down to bridge, 10 ‘Mericans, backward up (3 times)
Mosey to the ramp and partner up
Partner sit-ups @ 20, swap and repeat.  1 lap up the ramp, around and down the steps.  (3 sets)
Mosey to COT
15 Regular ‘Mericans
Recover X 2
Anyone happen to know the man credited with the title of this BB? I do.  He lived his life by it.  
What a great morning- perfect temp, no rain.
We completed 100 ‘Mericans this morning.  Nice work, men- not a bad start to the day
Thanks for posting, gents.  See you in the gloom soon.