Wear your F3 Name

Event Date

Oct 31, 2019


Five men made it out to celebrate Halloween on a rainy morning.  Q called an audible and we moved the workout to a gazebo nearby.  We tried out several new exercises, some of which will likely not be invited again.  


  • SSH – 25x IC
  • Cotton Pickers – 10x IC
  • Windmill – 10x IC
  • Nancy Kerrigans – 10x IC on each leg 
  • Copperhead Squat – 15x IC


Main Event:

  • Circuit dictated by pace of Captain Thor – Did circuit 3 x
    • Captain Thor – 1:4, 2:8, 3:12
    • Dips – AMRAP
    • Derkin – AMRAP
    • Freddy Mercury – AMRAP
    • Crucible Merkin – AMRAP
  • Zombie Walk ~200 yards
  • Return to gazebo
    • Peter Parker 15x IC
    • Parker Peter 15x IC
    • Scorpion Dry Dock 8x IC each leg
    • Monkey Humper 15x IC
    • Wolverine 5x OYO



  • Never Cross Dolly 15x IC
  • Suicide Rosalita 15x IC
  • Plank Jane Fonda 10x IC each side
  • Plank Jack 15x IC (led by Tool Time)
  • Boat, Canoe, Coffin (led by Surf & Turf)
  • Monster Mash Box Cutter 10x IC normal and 10x IC backwards (led by Natty)
  • Crocs' Pelvic Thrust – 15x IC
  • Crab Cakes 15x IC



  • Hard work by everyone.  Shoulders and arms were burning half way through the workout
  • Thank you Crocs for making the trip down south.  Hopefully you had not issues getting back through the border at Huntersville
  • T-Claps for Natty and Tool Time for dressing up as their F3 names
  • We tried out some Indian moves since Q had gone to Bollywood show the night before.  We anticipate an Internaltional Workout in the near future.
  • It was an honor to lead the workout.  Happy Halloween!